Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v2

- 1 --- Chap. q.. An Expfstion upon the Bodkof J O B. Verf. r 99 offear wrought upon Eliphaz , we rnuft needs acknowledge and conclude it to be a very potent pa{fion. In the firtt of Proverbs, the Lord threatens thofe who would not fear him, thus, Iwill laugh when yourfear cometh : Then he thews the manner how pray. t, z7. fuch fear cometh, When yot&r fear cometh as deft ation. We cannot well take fear in this place, for the objet of fear, for that is defolation it fell, and therefore cannot be laid, to come as defolation. Then, taking in properly,for the pionof fear: We fee, that the fear of trouble, is like the trouble we fear. Fear is even as bad as defolation ; Fear puls all down within,and makes a man like a defolate place, before his place is made defolate. And therefore in thefe times, we had need take care, that we put not ftrength to our fears. Theft are fearing times, we fhould pray much, that thepower of natural fear may be fubdu'd, efpecially, that our natural fear, may be turned into godly fear; godly fear, is the proper cure of natural fear : Sanelifie the Lord God in your hearts, and make him yourfear, or elfe the fear of man will quickly Lord it over your hearts. Sucha fear, is more dan- gerous then all our dangers : Our enemies (hall need no weapons to fight againtt us with, but our own fears. Trembling joynts, and (baking bones, will make fmall refiftance; and while natu- ral fear is firong, natural flrength is but weak or ufelefs ; When from the onfet or affault of this fear, a mans hair Hands, bimfelf will run. Fourthly, Confider this by way ofconfequence,Tha2 if a time when God cometh to reveal his will to man, befo dreadful, what will that time be (and that time is coming) when God cometh to reckon with man, for the difobeying of that will ? Here a truth was but (hewedEliphaz, in an extraordinary man - ner,and behold him (hakíng,fearing,trembling ; Nowwhen God (Ball come to require an account of man,for refitting or imprifon- ing the truth ; when he (hal( oome(2 2hef. .8.)to take vengeance an all thofe that have not obeyed the Gofpel of truth, what terror, fear,and trembling will fall upon the ftouteft of finful men?There mutt be an appearing ofall, but there can be no ¡landing for fuck before the dreadful throne of Chrift : The ungodly Cof what fort or fine foever) (hall not fland in judgment, Pfal. a. 5. Icxm- penitent unbelievers, (hall not be able to hold up their heads in that day. Captains andmighty men, who have often con- verfedwith dangers,and knew not what it was to be afraid; Men O 2 who