Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v2

Chap. 4. An Expofition upon the Book of J O B. Verfit 9. 143 3. By the everlating power, which death bath upon us(refpe- ding this world) Theyperifhfor ever. 4. By the common and general infenfblenefs and inconfidera- titan of this frail life, of this long lading death ; Man (faith he) is deg-rued frommorning to evening, he dieth quickly, perifheth for, ever,he lies as long as the world latis,in his grave; yet fuch is the flupidity of man, that none regard all this, he dies without any re- garding. 5. And lead any fhould fay, Purely, man is nst fetch a pittiful creature as this fad defcription reprefents him; man was the molt excellent part of the inferiour creation. God planted many noble endowments upon man : and is there no more to be faid ofhim but this ? be is cruß'd like a moth, anddies, no man regarding ? . That objection is taken away in the laic verfc ; as if the Holy. Ghotl had faid,I grant that man, betides duff and clay (which are hismaterials)hath many heavesly,yea divine endowments ,he kath -. the impreflions ofGods Image in reafon and underflanding Ramp- ed upon him;but though he be thus quallified ; yet all his excel- 1 ency (all that which may be accounted the choiced and the belt in him) will not keep him Jweet,orproteo him. from death and rottennefs : Doth not( faith he) their excellency which is in them,ga away ? as if he had Paid, If you alledge, that man ismore their duff andclay, then weaknefs and corruption ; 'tis granted : but what then ? Doth not their excellency that is in them., go away ? doch it not vanifh,and where is-it? and where is hc?All na tural perfcdions(whatfoeverman hathunder the notion of rea- fouablecreature) be they never fo high and railed, quickly pals.. wither and decay : They have no abiding excellency in them,. Doth not their excel ency that is in them, gl away ? They have wif- dom,but they dye without wifdom,evcn.asbruit beads, either their, wifdom decayes while theylive,or, it is not able to keep them a, live : wifdom, parts, and learning Bands them inno head topre vent death. Now if their excellency go away, they mutt.go too : if wifdom cannot keep them alive, die they muft ; as we thall fee further in opening the leverai parts,having thus given the feufe in general. There things confidered,we may fee the ftrengthof the Argu- ment in the 19. verle, How mush left on them who dwell in houjét ofclay, & if he fhould fay ; fbrafmuch as Angels cannot flatlet in competition with God,or..approve themfcl.ves in his fight,cer- tainly