Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v2

r;. 144 Chap. 4. An Expof tion upon the Book of ,j 0B. Vert t9. tainly much lets can man, how great thoughts foever he bath of himfelf; much lefs can man be iuttificd in his fight, who comes ft) many degrees fhort of Angelical perfecdions; for, his Soul which is within him, though it be a noble.and a fpiritual fub- ftance,and that wherein he is molt like to Angels, yet this feu] of his fojournes, dwels and as in a body compofed of corruptible clay, and hath nobetter a foùndation(in a natural capacity) then the very duft ; and lo fùbjed is this man to mortality, thus corn pofed of duft and elay,as,what through the inward diltempers of his body, what through outward accidents and cafualties,- he is as tranfitory and as fubled to death, as the meaneft worm, as the pooreft creature in the world, he is crufhedbefore the moth. Howmuch lefs on them who dwell inboufes ofclay. The Flebrew bears a double reudring, either how much left (as Pevticuta we)or howmuch more : If it be rendred horn much lefs,then it re- I'Mapro quo fers to the firft claufe of the former verle ; Chus, ifheputs no truf ejtJrmplicirer in his Augels,then much lefs cloth he put croft in men, rvhodwell its ti hoc loco boufes ofclay. If it be rendred,horymuch more, then it refers to the :411137 1° e g* latter claufe of that vale ; thus, if he charged -his Angels with vat, ontominor folly, then howmuch more may he charge themwith folly, who velquanto'ma- dwell inboufes of lay?Which words, are a defcription ofman,eí- gH. Druf. ther in his civil condition, or inhis natural conf itution. Some take there words.ín the very letter, Thehoufe, for that which we ordinarily call a houle, the houíe wherein man ordinarily inha- bits; as ifElephaz had thus laid, Angels dwell in Heaven, they haveeverlafting manfons, but man, dwels in a houfè ofclay, the belt and good lieft houles are but clay and dull, a little refined and fublimated by art or nature;brickand flone,all ;hefe materials are but dirt concoC`ted by the heat offire and Sur:;lo that;if the allit- fion were to the very houff, in which man-kind dwells, in oppo- lition to the habitation ofAngels, thefe let them far inferiour to, and below the Angels,As thef take it for the houle wherein man lives, C) Come underhand it of the honk, wherein man lies being dead,naniely,thegrave :The Cháldee is exprefs paraphrafing thus, Rory much more the wicked, who dwell in a Sepulchre of clay? That the grave is called a houle,the Prophet helps us,Ifa.14,18; 19. All the Kings of the Nations, even all of them, lye inglory,' every one in his own houfe, that is, in_ the grave , as the next words