Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v2

z g Chap. 4. AnExpoj ion upon tbe Book of J O a. Verf.. 5= feem tobe without reafon. So form acts ofinfirmity reprefent the Saluts to carnal men,as mad-men.A gracious man works fomuch . below reafon fometimes, that he feems to be without reafon. Thirdly, note, that whenwefee any one doing ill, it is good to mind him ofthat good which be loath dene.Eliphaz fawjob fainting, enraged as a mad-man, or as a man ationifhed, he tells him ofthe wife and grave counfel and inftruGtion ke had given before;confi der what thouhaft done. As in the Revelation Chrifi fpeaks to the Church of Ephefus, (Rev. 2. 5 ) Rememberfromwhence thou art Men ,and do thyftrft works; when the Church did ill,then he tels her, what The had formerlydone well. So the Apoftle, Ye did run well,having begun in the Spirit,willyeend in the fiefh: when he law them run upon flefhly ceremonies and ordinances, ye began in the fpirit( faith he)confder that, and end as ye began. As in dif- pute and reafoning,a falle conclu&on cannot be derived from true premifes, foneither can it in praûife or in living. Holy pret uifcs conclude in holinels. He never began well, that ends ill. fourthly, obferve, That thegooelwe have done it kind of re- proach to us when we do the contrary evil. When a mans latter pet. z r. aítions contradiê his former, or when his aEtions contradiEt his profeflions, the former good is a thin or blemifk to him ; It had been better for them not to have known the way of righteosfnefs, 'then after theyhave known it, to :tornfrom the holy cemresandemettt givenunto them. Further,take this likewife,It is an eafier matter to infîrutl others in trJuble, then to be infirnaed or take infiruason our [elves in our on troubles Evenj'ob,holy )ob,could give thofe cuunfelsofpati- ence, and meeknefs, and quietnefs under the hand. of God,w4 tch he could not follow to the full when it fell upon .hiçtafclf. For though he did not fail to that height which Elipbaz imp yeth irr this reproof, y t l'ail he did. He had let others a Copie,w ich he could not write by, or imitate when hisown turn care. Agood mars mayquicklygive counfel,above his ownlì.rength to praCt ife. Obf rve laftly, .ft is afdiame for us to tedeh others the right nay, and to go in the wrong our felves. Eliphaz feekes to ialitEIC and convincejobupon this veryground,thou haft done thus and this, thou haft taught others patience, and thou art mad thy felf: art thou not Ahmed to complain and cry out ofthy affliCions,when thou h, ft bid others be quiet and chearful under them?It is an ex- cellent thing Mica ogee words are made vifible,by our aF,tions : as he