Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v2

Chap. 4. An Expofrtion upon the Book of J OB. Vert. 13. ven ofHeavens, and do you debate him thus, by halting between . two thoughts ofequal height, concerning Him and Baal ? They zvho let up an Idol, make it equal unto God. All fifewofhip is a fe: Ling of our pelts hyGrdr po,Æs,aradofour threjhold byhis tbrefi''old, a making both, of equal height and worth. And to clear it yet further, (Pfal. 109. 13.) the fame word is ufed by David, when he proftilis, I hate vain thoughts, or as ' force read it, I hate vain things ; He calls idolatrous thoughts vain thoughts, becaufe they are wavering, incontlant or unfetled thoughts, in further allufion to the boughs ofa Tree : as the top- moil and highen boughs of Tree, are fhaken with every puff of wind, and waver to and fro with every 61aä, fo are the thoughts of Idolaters: or bee nfe (as before.) Idolatry lets up Too high Thoughts, odorning an Idol as much, or in competition and riva- kuuaf dicat t pity with the everliving God.The higher our thoughts are ofGod . dotatriotn olio the more excellent they are; but the higher our thoughts arcof habui,qua plu- falle worthíp,the vainer they are ; and to have as high thoughts fuupremo cultu sritia ofan Idol, as of the living and true God,are the vaineft thoughts fpem ,everetur, cum ofall;th©fe high thoughts are low thoughts,the lowefl thoughts, ua-t a. thoughts moil hateful, I bate vain thoughts. From the vifions ofthe night.l As I have opened that word about the thoughts fomewhat largely fo this of the vi(ions;reqùiresmore_ enlargement, yet I (hall do it as briefly as ä may. Vifions were a special way of divine revelation. Heb. r. r, God who at fundry times, and in divers manners, Jpake to our Fa- thers by the Prophet r, faith the Apoflle. God fpake at fiandry rrAvWxsws times, and he fpake in divers manners.Now amongl thole divers reauzpa?rros. manners of (peaking,(-peaking by or in vitions was one. The Jew-.. ith Doctors obferve four degrees ofdivine revelation, The first they called Prophecy, which included vifion, and any apparition whereby the willof God was made known, They had a fecond Foulsssfagissr, way ofdivine revelation,which they calledThe infpiration ofthe cn Exod.28, Holy Ghoft, whereby the partywas enabled,without vifion or ap Goods, Ho6r. parition,to prophetic, either as prophefy ing is taken for the fore- telling of things to come, or for the refolving of things in doubt: The Rabbins give us the difference between there two, Prophete, á3ád Iofpi,ration In Prophefe ( though it was from the Holy Ghofl) á fiats was call iuto a trance, or brought into an extafie, his lenfès being takenaway;but fpeaking b; inspiration oféhe ho- ly Ghofi,was without äny fuch change in,or imprefhonsupon the body;