Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

Chap. S. n Expofition upon the$osl=, of JO B. Verf. i 7: t o7 lea is called the gathering together of waters ( Gen./. ) there wa- ters are rolled, and laid as uponaheap ; and fo proportionably e- very fpring, fountain and river, is a place wherein the waters are rolled or wrapped together. Some tranflate the word thus, His roots are wrappedabout thewater,or about thefountain. And that further Pets forth theCeemingly Pure and fleadfaft eilate of the hy- pocrite;as he bathgoodly green branches above, fo his roots are wrapped about the fountain, he looks as ifhe were planted by the waters fide, as the flourithing tree defcribed, Pfal.x.A godly man is as a tree planted by the riversfide; fo the hypocrite kerns to have his roots wrapped about the waters, as if he had an everlafling fupply from an everliving fountain, as if his leaves fhould not wither, or his fruit fall offfrom him. That's one fenfe. But moll gowithour tranflation, His roots are wrapped about the heap, they are intricated andfolded about the heap of limes 5 and fo the meaning ofit may b'e given three wayes . i,In that it is faid,His roots are wrappedabout the heap,the heap Impiva air. ofJìones ; it notes his thrivingagain! all oppofition,here thadow- quando pioree ed byheaps of flones.Heaps of flones are hinderances to the grow- inter varia ingofa tree, to the rooting of it : Therefore we let or plant impedimenta. trees in places free from clones ; but to thew that he may even o- vercome, conquer and fubdue thofe difficulties which hinder his growth, he faith,His roots are wrapped about theftones. The feed that was cafi in flony ground could not take root, the Hones hin- dered it from a due depth ofearth, Mat. 13. 15. So that Bildad according to this fenfe magnifies the hypocrite, and fpeaks ¡high ofhim íiewrappeth his roots about theftones,hPgrows in places of greatefl advantage. A wicked man may conquer oppofitions, and,preTl against the pull-backs which hinder his worldly, yea and his,fuming fpiritual elate; he may encreafe when he wants encouragtmtntsand means of increafe , yea, he fometimes en- creates again(! /lops and difcoaragements, he thrives among Bones. ita latèradice.t a. His roots are wrappedabout the heap, notes that he thrives, or gundae,ut will thrive, ifhe can, though it be to the hinderance and damage Tune; ofothers : for by the heap force underfland the foundation of n edibuoi houfe, where Hones are artificially heaped or laid together, not a minifui. Jun. natural oraccidental heap. Trees that grownear a houle (hoot !nohow' dd. their roots under or aboutthe foundation ofthe_houfe, and foma net:t°pagatio be dangerous to the whole itrtr ure. Thus the hypocrite will Idem. a gtQW