Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

I56 Chap. 9. AnExpofition upon theBook of J O E. Verf.,}. cant in a due poife,He ár wife in heart andmighty inpower, there ire there is no turning of him out ofthe pathofjuftice. Secondly,lt is a proofor a confirmation of the other point a- bout which Bildadadvife th job, namely, that he ought to feek unto God, and humble himfelfbefore him.jt would be dangerous to contend or contefl withGod. Why ? He, it wife in heart and mighty inpower. As if he had faid,Shall ignorant, foolifh man con- tend with thewife God?fhall weak man contend with the mighty God?Alas!tnan is no match for God, He it wife in heart andmigh- ty inJtrength, who can enter fuch acontroverfie and profper in it? There are two wayes to carry on a controverlie. Ertl, By wit and policy. Secondly, By ftrength and power.Ifmatt, will take up the for- mer weapon againd God, ifhe work, by wit and difpute againft God,God will be too hard for'him, For he it wife inheart. liman will fet his (boulders or take up weapons again(( God, poorcrea- ture, what can he do ? The Lord is mighty inftrength , from both we fee there is no dealing withhim. There two attributes render,God at oncethemolt dreadful ad- Darr anvir,us,verfäry,and,the:moll defireablefriend.It is, a hard choice whether quisinhoße to have wit or power in an enemy?And whowouldnot have both reguiret?' wit and power inhis friend ? God is here reprefented. under there twonotions,both meet inhim,eithérofwhich in an enemy render Inim dreadfull. Will any manenter the lifts, or meddle with an adverfary (whowould not rather humble himfelf, andmakehim his friend ?) Who is wife in beart,andmightyin power. He is wife inheart. Humaui:ús'd It isfpoken after the manner ofmenthe heart naturally is a prin ëum,cor iH cipall organ or part ofthe body,it is the feat oflife;thither;the:fpi- braofumirur zits have their recourfe, there they haveone fpecial feat of refi- reiadicio P dence ; theheart is chiefin man. To fay, God is wife inheart, is to iateile8uo(i fay, He is moJi wifé, becaufe the heart is the featof wifdome. As tótentia,úa hcm when we'fa of man he is holy in heart,or he is humble inheart mss vef Deus Y , Y a fcpions cords or upright in heart,or he obeysGod from his heart,we report fuck dieitur,quà a man for exceeding humble, holy,uprightand obedient.So when prelarfapien. God is faid to be wife in heart,it importsthat he hathinftnitewif- 1 o nncá. ' dome;his,is not only wifdome in the tongue, or fotne flashes of wit,but deep, folid,;xooted wi(domc ; He is wife, yea,- he is wif- dome