Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

Chap. 9. An Expofitioh upon the Bookof J O B. Verf. 4,.. 169 can mend himfelf by contending with him: fo neither can any of .his ownpeople.Ifthey harden themfelves againfl God, they (hall not profper. Toharden the heart againft God, isnot only the lin ofa Pharaob,ofa Senacherib,and ofa julian,butpoflibly at may be the fin ofabeliever,the finofaSaint.And therefore theApoflle,Heb. 3. gives them caution, Take heedleft any ofjoxr hearts be hardened through thedeceitfulnefr offiniand whofè heart (Dever is hardened againti God,that mangood or bad (hall not profper,or have peace in it.It is mercy that God will not give his own peace,or let them thrive in fin.Grace profpers not, when the heart is hardened ; joy profpers not, nor comfort, nor (irength, when the heart is hard- ned : the whole !late and flockofa beleiver is impaired, when his heart is hardened. And ifthe Saintsharden. their heart againû God, God (in a fenfe) will harden his heart againll them ; that is,he will not ap- pear tender hearted,and compaflionate towards them, in reference to prefent comforts ; he will harden himfelf toafllid and chaften, when they harden themfelves to fin and provoke. When God afllic:}s his people,he hardens his heart againfl,them; abd it is feldome that he hardeneth hisheart againfi them till they harden their hearts againfl him. And the truth is, if they who are dearth to him doharden their hearts againfl him ; if they quarrel and contend withhim ; ifthey rife up againft his commands, or negle6k his will, he will make,their hearts fubmit,or he will make their hearts ake,and break their bones. If they harden their hearts againfl his fear, they fhall feel his rod upon their backs and fpirits too.Which ofthe Saints ever hardenedhimfilfagainft Godand bath profpered? Nom'an, whether holy or prophane,righteous or wick-. ed, coulefever glory ofa conquefl over God, ór triumph after a 'war with him. j 0 tf.