Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

Chap. 8. An Expofrtion upon the Mok ofJ O B. Vert. 3. I3 Lahl y,Take it as oppofed to injuflice ; Will the Lord pervert t `dL) judgement? Will he wrong any man?Carries he a matter finifterly udrdum,us, or partially ? He will not do it. 64',mos Jeu mo. Again,As judgement and jufticeare taken precifely or diftinf- do. ly. Wilicrum 6,f/in Firtt,judgement fignifies due order in trying and finding out, the vero abfq; er- fate of a caufe : And juftice the giving of fentence upon that reorecogr,ofen. tryal. do, ruflitia m Secondly, Judgement is a clear knowlege ofwhat ought to be q, b ` faumB q`' done : And juttice is the doing of that which we know, Juftice is I udicium)re. an evennefs and uprightnefs ofconfcicnce, in palling every thing nam refpicir, according to received light.. ju,,liria Thirdly, Some diftinguith them thus: Judgment is in condemn banéaaflrurm, ing thofe that"areguilty, and Office is in ahfòIving and acquit- tsruf. ting thofe that are innocent , or rewarding thofe who have done *l,1æ repeti. well, Fourthly, Thus : Judgment reípeftscapital caufes, which are div,na etoquia for life and juttice refpets civil caufes which are for ettate or mut;`,»mm- men da;,r, fve liberty. e.rdem verbaa- Take them in any oftheft fenfes,or under whatfoever other di- liafcneen'ia,J- itinótion theyare confiderable TheLord God El-Shaddai, is no ve ailir verbis Men; f , tentla perverter ofeither.He never ditturbs or cloggs the orderof tryal; ere)eta trr :ills He is no hinderer ofthe fentence from due execution. He exactly emir/ eiq/'de c, underfiands every caufe, and he awards what is due to every per- re; rdioni>'io, fon. He wrongs no man in life or limb, in eftate or Iiberty. z,oram q:; :'Add Thuswe tee what judgement and juttice are : I fhall now open r h' et p mcie lndo what it is to pervert judgment and jujtice.The fame word is ufcd req:;üi:;suodtíi in both. * ej.tmis e Doth God pervert ?I Some tranflate it, fupplant,juftice. And fo qí, °" Auge(ar it importsfecret cunning wayes of injuftice ; for to fupplant,pro ,r,etcr_ perly is to come behind a man, and to ftrikeup his heels, and raft quer n re?o ° him down,or to lay fomewhat in his way,upon which he may trip ægeo, or humble, and then tall. God doth not fupplant juflice, lie layes u tit;n no plots, he fett no fluxes to entangleor overthrow a man in his caule. verb r,, an- tu) jer,ella More largely, the word fgnifieth, To make crooked, and fo it rleiat.'hora,pro_ very well antwers che point in hand. Judgement- and juttice arePv,' obfetlo, both carryee by ¡trait iine:they are the reer-itude ()four adions. vetfu)),fao Topervert judgcta:ene, is to make crooked lines ; So we have the 'ed' air uern as c af,na in word (&cclef. 1. 16.) That which is crooked cannot be made trait. teeter'. Fie