Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v3

II t Ga Chap.*. An Expoßtion upon the Bookof J OB. Verf.8a in marriage upon our minds, unlefs we ask him. 4. Love unto truth.Truth isa beauty,anddefines our love;to love not a civility,but a duty:to fearch for truth without love to truth, is a dithonour to truth ; and as thehot receiving the love of the truth, is the caufe why many apoftatize and fall from it, fo it is a reafon why many are fill ignorant and cannot come at it. As Cod, the Father oftruth,mu it be askt his good will before we can have her : So truth the daughter of God (hall be loved beforewe have her. Bildad having thus advifed job to fearch antiquity,giveth hima rc..fonofhis advice, a model reafon, refled i.ngupon himfelfand upon his friends, Verf. 9. For the are but ofyefferday andkztow nothing , our dayes on earth are afhadow. As if he had faids' the reafon why we refer thee to the former ages, is, bccaufe we are able to fay fo little ofour felves and from our own experience, we are but of yefterday, that is, the time we have lived is very little, our days havebeen few upon earth. Truth is the daughter of time, and we are fcarce Ions oftime, we are but 171Lr ofyelierday. Nevi dicitur de i Yefterday] Taken in our common fpeech, lignifies only the day dieprreriro, mmediately going before. 2. It is put for the time a little before, earl de propín and is as much aslately, 2 King.9.26.SurelyIhavefernyefferday the quo, quam de blood ofNaboth, and the blood of his Sons : That is, it is not long I esginquo,qucJ lince Nabotb and his fous were Hain, and their blood is as fre(h in diab my memor, as if it were in my eye. It is put for all time, how Rai Lzay. Y Y Y Y 3 P Apofzolus He long fòever pails (1-1d2.13. 8.) the Apoffle Hebraizing, faith, fetus braiIans, feu- Chriit,the fänreye)lerdayand today,andfor ever;yeflerday is not put titer vocobulo, for the day-immediately before, or for many days before,but for all Ses. Hcb, :3 days before, even from the beginningof the world ; yea, not on- lyare all days pall included in yetlerday, but the eternity, which t<lerì9 ides is path. Iterrt;u, dumfi_ Yeterday aal the day before, are often tranflated before or hereto - irrulj a!guntur fore, Ge;r. 3 z.2,5. t o. Rwb 2 n. . 2 San.5.2. noting time proverbralers not much pah, the pref nt. conflci vel y- I»'this place by yejìcrr ay we are not to underhand all tune erbòlem, re - pur nuper aí ïi pall, nor the tirïre immediately pafi,bút (mall timepati,zve are but of fì;nificanterom, yelterdap, that is,we have lived but a while in the world (yet they Sicorians aped wereold men) the diÿs whichwe have ken are as nothinghe ex- preifes