Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

Chap. i r. efln Expofition upon the Bookof J OB. Verf. r S, upon Chrifl , and is filled with grace., Ihall live for ever. Meats profited them fo little, that they are faid not to profit them ; they adminiflred only a tranfient help to the body ; but grace profits fo much,that it only may be faid to profit: that admfniflers a per- manent advantage to the foul. Grace renders us alwayes the fame , and preferves us from change. lnconflancy is the corn- panicn of fin : yea inconfiancy -is the companion of all earthly things; earthly things move and are unfleady ; it is impoble to fiendfait upon an unfleadyfoundation. The Apoftle (Eph. g, 13'.) defcribetk the Gentiles thus. I fay untoyou (i`peaking to the Saints) thatyehenceforth walknot as other Gentiles walk,, ye were Gentiles, but now 1 would not have you walk as o'iter Gentiles, namely as unconverted Gentiles, Doe not imitate them from whom youhave made fo happy a departure ; lint how did they walk ? In thevanity of their ininde, that is , in the unfetladnefie Impius anon po- and uncónflancy and unflaidneffe of their rindes you have re- tell e.frmus ceived grace , and grace fhould make you Erna and %ableupon your bafts , upon Chrift your bottom. The holy Ghoft reproves this nnfetlednesin the wd Jews (7er.2.z3.) Thou art a fwift Dromedary traverftng her wayes, (never fetled in any away , verf ;6.) whygaddfl then about fomuch to change thy way? thoualfo f alt be antedof Egypt, as thou witfb ajhamedof,Iffyria; thou wentef} to this kingdome and to the other nation for Help, and here thou thoughteft to flrengthen thy felt, and there to obtain deliverance ; Whygaddefl thou about fo. much ? the world being uncertain leaves thee in perpetuall uncertainties thou couldll find no help in Affyria, thou (halt find none in Egypt , neither the one nor the other fhall beable to eflablitla thee. So chap. 31. 1).22. How longwilt thougo about, O thou back-flidingdaughter ? We are in continuai! mticn gill we fettle in God. As the needle in the Mariners compaífe being taucht with the loadflone is un- quiet till it points to the North , and there it fettles : fo it is with the foul , to what quarter of the creature foever we turn our felves , we (hail be unfetled waveringand unfleady till we point dire.E ly unto God till we look heavenward. The heartfinds no . ground, till itgets ofthe earth: There is %double unftedfaílnefíe which fin brings in, andgrace calls out., Firth , About our way, many are alwayes to chaofe ; whether this wayor that, is 'their quire : they not only (which is the in- R 3 6rmity