Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

Chap. I r. An expofitien upon the Rookof JO 8. Verf. t 6. 141 promife (Ifa.SE to.) is a clear expofition ofthis, Thenfhall thy light rife in obfcurity and thy dark effe be as the noon day ; that is, thy affli&ion !hall be turned into confolation , and thy evil daies into good daies : The vulgar latin tranflates the former part ofEt quafimeri. the verfe thus, Thou {halt be clear *arch the evening, or, thy even- dianssfutgor ing jhall beclear ; the lacer thus, when then thinkeft thouart confu- confurget t:bi vied, thoujhalt be as Lucifer, or, as the morning ftar, even lil_,e that ad vcJY "ram fiar which is theforerunner or meJJènger ofthe morning. cum to eon' fumptumputa- Hence Obferve, veris orieri, ut That Clod can quickly turn all our forrows intojoy, andour worS1 Lucfer. Fulg. times into pleafant times. Thy obícuríty thall match the morning. He can caufe joy torife out of forrow, and turn our water into wine, our lofl'es into gain; Weeping may endure for a night, but joy (meth in the morning, (Pfal.3o. 5.) And again , 'Unto the upright there arifeth light in darkneffe, (Pfal.t 12. 4.) As the Sunof wicked men fets at noon, fo the light of the Saints rifeth at midnight: Amos 8.9. I will came the Sun to go down at noon, andI will darken the earth in the clear day ; which text {lands in as direct an oppolitión to this, as words can be pen'd. He who caufeth the Sun to go down at noon can command the Sun to rife at midnight ; and he who darkens the earth in the clear day , lightens the earth in the dar- kefI night. As natural, fo civil and fpiritual light and darkneffe take their turns and make their charges as God decrees. It is the happineffe of the Saines in tnifery, that their friend andfather can fayunto their mifcry, Begone, and tohappines Return. The [late of the Jews was obi-cured by the riling of that fiery fatal Comet Haman : but anon Mordecai arofe like a bright fiar in their Hori= zon, and then, the Jews had light andgladneffe, andjoy, andhonour, Hci.8. 16. Thirdly , Compare this verte with the counfel before given, Zophar advifeth Job to leek unto God, and to humble himfelf fore him ; what !hall be the fruit of it ? Thine age fhall beclearer than the noon day ; thou (halt (dine forth , thou Male be as the morning. Note from it. When we are better, god ufually-makes our eflates better. Turn thou to God, and God will turn thy darkneffe into light: The Prophet (Ifa.58. i o.) having defcribed a fait, and taught the Jews how to humble thetpfelvesaright before God , fubjoitu T 3 this