Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

Chap. r I. An expofition upon the Book of JOB. Vert. 20. 159 kVbat a.wearineffe is it, andye have fnujiel at it ; (it is this word) theycried our, we have brought many weighty offerings and fa, cr fice,and what a -t urthun is it to do !ò ? andye fnnffedat it,that is,ye thought much of ir,or were vexed at ir, fo we tranflate : But the letter ofthe original is read thus, ye have faid, Beholdwhat a wearmcffè is it, where atIota might have blown it away or blown it off ; as if he had faid,ÿou think you have done a great marter,and (peak as ifye were all in a fweat at my fervice,whereas indeed you have done little for me what you did , ÿóu- fpoiled ir in the doing, you have done it in an ill manner; you have brought me a poor,a lame and a halting facrifice,fuch as a man.might even blow away with his breath, and your own hearts hare been more halt- ing,lame.and light then your facrifice. So here,theìr hope (hail be as a thing blown or puffed-away with a breath there (hail be no liability, no fub1fletace in it. The words (according to our reading) teach us , that the hopes of wicked men are decaying and dying hopes.. Giving sp,S ee,u,PI Up the gheft is the tail a.ft Of _life,. and the beginning ofdeath. perditio Sept .. As all the hopes of wicked men perish when they die, fo w.hileJu1Ic rerwre, they live their hopes are dying, A godly man pathnot only a ueqea dm. living but alively hope, (t `I et. t.3.) A wicked man bath butf.Jipiislpera a dyinghope at bell and his hope pall be werfe and werfe every ri pact ani- day tilt it be utterly defperate. The Prophet 7o4 . defcribeth the twepetditice i_ judgements of God upon his ancient. people by.putling off the bark of a tree, (chap. t .7.) He bath laidmy vine.wafi, and barked myfigs-ree; He bathmade it clean buresthe branches of it are white. The Chaldee paraphraff' glares it. by'the expreflion of this text, He bath exiled nay fgt-ree to giveup theghoji ;,-hence the mean í.ng is plain , that look:as a tree (take it for a,figt-ree , orany other tree) wh u, you pull ofEthe bark, bears nomore fruir; but dies fo !hall the hope of a_wicked man be : Wemay fay of 'filch a mans hope asCfirif} of the figr-ree which he curfed,.neven fruit grow on thee more, a dying tree, thou haft done- thy wort} , thou hall feen thy heft dales, now thy bark is peeled eoruste off, thy boughes are bare, thy .hope i. as the giving Hp of the. flatto rtnmime shoji' i.e. canto sïólare , Lafllÿ, The Hebreti,h'avingnoparticle of fmilitude, runs thusaiicientur ex- in the letter , Their hope (hall be the givingup of the ghofi, that is cidenter faa .4wicked man it often brought into fesch a condition that hepath e: utfbà mgr nohope but this,-that his dad is almoft doneaándhimfclfaaeer.neigh- onf bar,