Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

Chap. rz. An é'xpofition upon the Took, ofJ O B. Vert. q., t :75 led derifion. The letter of rFe Hebrew is Iam the laughter (the fport or paflime) of:'my neighbour ; he (peaks partly in the firfl, and partly in the third períon He doth not fay , I am as one 'rocked of my neighbour , that had tail it too direElly upon his nrottfit yobdi- friends, but ,. I am as onethat is mockedofhis neighbour , and fo coreprimaper- lets itlight where it will. Ps comforters had high thoughts offna, Jotio mes themfelves, and low thoughts of him : A man that is mocked is fed 1061° fu° irl under the greatell contempt, and meaneft eflimatïon. Iamas one t`rt`á ' ut mo- deira logaere mocked, &c. as iffob had faid , Inpleadof comforting, informing tur. piers.. andfupportingme, you have mocked me inmy adver/lty. Obferve, It is an addition to affíillion, to be mocked in afjli.:. ¿lion. Mocking is one of the greaten of liElions ; amongf} the fuf- ferings and cruel perfecutions that the Saints endured , the Apo- ft le mentions this, They had tryallofcruel mockings (Íkb.:t.36.) Who knows how deep Jharpwords will enter, andwhat wounds they will make ? They not only wound the name, but the fpirit , they (lab to the heart. It was one great part of the fufferings of Chrifl , he was mocked and ufed like a fool in a play , they put a robe onhis back, a reed in his hand, and a crown upon his head; and when he hung on the croffe finifhing the work of our fal- vation, they (in h;ghefl fcorn) bid him favehimfelj. The Apofile 7ude a{fures us that the Lord is coming to execute judgement upon all and to convince all that are ungodly (fall their hard Neches which they have fpoken, HardLeeches are as bad ashard. blows , and .amongft all hard fjieeches mocking' are the hardefl . eifman willeafrer receive ablowfromhisfriend, then a fcornfrom his friend : Scorning is fundamentally oppotite to the funda mental laws of love. This is the fecond ingredient which im- bittered his fufferings , I am as one that is mockedof his neigle- bour. Secondly Note , The nearer they are fromwhom wereceive dip_ ib' amicrrs courtefies, the nearer theygo to our hearts. cept4 eontx, ee e..4 wound from a hand afar o)f, is far offfrom our hearts. tt,e ac ""; What ? Thou my friend, Thou my familiar nie me thus ? The habent molo mock of a neighbour is cutting, alrriofl killing. Theunkindenes 'tfftmum' of a friendbath maßofthe enemie in it. When Chrifl perce ed his ownDifciples withdrawing, he was extreamly troubledalit. Many of the people were offended and went back, andwalked Ito more with him, and he complainednot, he expelled nobetter f®i