Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

i2 Chap. t *. .AnExpofsion upon the Book of JO.B. Verf.3. thou,haft argued, a woman, even the weakeft among women a childe, even a little childe , may confute and anfwer. We need not fend for the great Rabbies and Doetours of the law to deal with thee. Who can be filent , or fpeak without fucceffe ? Should thy lies snake men hold their peace ? Hold theirpeaty ? vim, No s They fhould not : Should what thouhaft f p oken falfly be Obenutefere, Solet Scriprura received like anoracle of truth, agait.,ft which noman may open per verbum fi- his mouth or mutter ? Should it be rf;ceived as fome divine reve- bendi &taendi lation which ail mull admire, none qucílion ? Mull all the world reverenti.e ple- ofreafonable men 'landmute at thefe thy reafonings ? Hall thou "um umorem any hope that thy lies faall finde fuch entertainment and go off exprimere. at fuchá rate of beliefor admiration ? ? Holding the peace imporrethgreaten reverence both to fpeak- ers and a ìours , as altogreaten worth or weight in what is fpo- ken or done. When the Lord flew the twofops of eXaron by fire from Heaven , Aaron held his peace, in token offubmiffion, Levit, i o. 3. CM And when providential aílings fpake aloud the deliverance ua,n yoe,r; of the Jews our of Babylon , the Prophet like a crier in a court, Hieronymus commands or proclaims filence (Zech. 2.13. Re filent , O all interjetlionem fiepi, before the Lord, for he is railedup out ofhis holyhabitation. effe doter impe- The Hebrew word Has (faith one of the Anciens) is an inter- raxris Pent- jeflion, or rather a verbof the imperative mood,enjoyning filence ivl e or inhibiting f eech we in our language ufe a word near that in imperativum g p a per apocopen ab found , when we would have any , or all , hold their peace , we non tarait fay, Hufho : So faith the Prophet, Hu(ht, not a word, For the reverentia can- Lordis railedup out ofhis holy habitation ; his meaning is, Yeeld Ja. Buxt. all reverence , refpeEt and fear , Stand in awe, Budgenot, let the wicked thence their vain boans , and the godly their vain fears. Let neither the one or the other utter a word before the Lord. Job defcribing himfelf in his former flourifltingenate, faith, 'Intome men gaveear and waited , andkept Hence at my coon f l ; after my words they fake not again (Chap.z9. 2I.) that is, l was a man offo muchauthority and veneration , that when I fpake no man would offer to fpeak after me , much leffe contradict what I had fpokeri ; Thus it wasonce with Job : Now Zophar puts it as a matter of reproof. What ? dolt thou think thy words , yea thy lies