Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

Chap. II. eAn Expoftion upon the 7300k. of J O B. Verf. 4.. upon thofe who are and dogood. -So did Zophar uponPb, and yet upright in the main. Thirdly, Obferve, It is a dangerous thing to fay that is a lie orfate , which we are not--able tomake out for truth. That was Zophars cafe he could not bring both ends ofobs fpeech together ; He fufpeets all was nought becaufe he could not finde what was good. ob was neither babler , nor lier. nor mocker , though Zophar thought him all thefe. We thorow the glaffe of our own notions, and efpecially thorow that of our own prejudices, fee things in ftrange colours. We lhould look upon every thing in its own likeneffe; We-lhould proveand try every thing to the bottome before we cenfure, as well as before we ap- prove. That may be found ferious, which at firft weighs but light, and that a truth which we called a lie. Such caution was never more needed, nor leffe ufed thenat this day. JOB Chap. t Y. Verf. 4, 5, 6. For thou haft faid , My doarine isFpare , and I arts clean in thine eyes. But O that God would fpeak, and open his lips againfi thee. (.:endthat he would thee thefecrets ofwifdom.e that they are double to that which is ; Know therefore that God exacleth ofthee lc f fe then thine iniquity deferveth. N the three former verles we had the Preface of Zophars -fpeech. In this fourth, He laiesdown the opinion orpofition, which he oppofeth and fpeaks againít in the fifth and lixth , Thou hallPaid,, Mydo`trine ispure, and I am clean in thine eyes. This Zophar in- terpreted,as carrying a fecret accufation, and reflation upon the juftice of God. In laying, Thou art innecent, thou faieft, God is unrighteous. He that (being punifhed) acquittethhimfelf, con- dernneth his Mudge. D b The.E;