Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

Chap. it. e4ln Expofition upen the 73ookof JO B. Verf. 6, 39 Verfe 6. And that he would_thew thee the fecrets of wifdom, &c As if he had Paid , 'Tis but reafon that IAauldcall God to fpeak. ;into thee for thefecrets anddepths ofwifdome are hiddenfrom and above our reafon. The natural man perceìveth not any thing of God , and the fpiritual man may be yet unable to perceive many of the things of God. O that Godvowels!_thew thee the fecrets of wifdome. Zophar Teems tomeet with jobs _teeming boaft, that he was one Videtur of Gods familiars , and well acquainted with his will. The eon- 'mpingere qua- viftion rifeth thus, Thou haft carriedit as if thou wert of the ca- f muDei l' pin_ binet counsel in heaven as ifthouhadit floodat Godsfide , when he tiara Jeafrequi gave his orders and difpatches concerning the affairs andmotions ofgloriatus fuif; the whole world, thou take. t upon thee as if thou wert thefavouritefit. Marc, ofthegreat Icing and knewei his heart ; But if Godfpeak to thee indeed , he will 'hew the. other manner offecrets then thou art yet acquaintedwith, thoufhalt at oncefee that thou miftakeff much, and knoweft little. O that he would/hew thee thefecrets Or , The hidden things ofwifdome. Here we have Zophars at- r ivnTt gu"rnent diftinfì from his two friends. He deals with rob, not fö; iDJT much tò convince him of his own finfulneffe, as of the myfteriouf. Praci t a art neffe of divine wifdome. Thou complainefl and criefl out of the bfputationis hand ofGod, of thy great of 1iaions : I tell thee there is a ferret ?fapharis 1; cc of wifdome in-this difpenfation, I will plead no other ¡unification e/ mutt;bo- mrnrbus non of Gods proceedings, but.only this, God is infinite in wifdom, patere, deque O that Clodwould_thew thee thefecrets ofwifdome: Deem in Every word , and all the worksofGodare full ofwifdom, and controvaram yet many of them are foplain and cane, that hethat runs may non debere uo- reade them. So glain'and eafie, that an Adonibez.ekmay ruin, yea `ari. Coc. fall and reade them Twig. 1.7. As d have done , fo God bath re- quitedme. There was no myftery at all in that. Senfe and rea- fon have their leffons as well as graceand faith. But as there are Come leffons eáne enough for fenfe fo there are not a few hard enough for faith. And as forne fins ofmen are plain , very finfull, yet very plain, whileother fins lie stole in the heart, and are not only an iniquity, but a myftery of iniquity , or iniquity wrapt up in a myflery (the whole body of Antichriflian ini- quity is a myftery) So forne 1círons of wifdome are plain, full