Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

Chap. it. eriM Expofitionupon the Book, of JO B. Veri 6. fearch ; we melt enquire and enquire , look and look , enquire and look often , and long for the ferrets of wifdom. We may buygold too dear, and be at more charge to feek for (liver, then the filver will be worth when it is found. But wecannot buy wif- dom too dear, and the leaft vein ofdivine ferrets, which we finde, will not only, bear all our charges in the fearch,but enrichus alto. Again , The word is in the plural O that God would 'hew thee the ferrets ofwifdom. Hence note, There are many ferrets in wifdom. The Apofile (Epb.3. t o.) fpeaks of the manifold wifdom ofgod. His wifdom is full of variety, it is of many torts and forms, of many folds and plights. The wifdom of God is limple and un- compounded it is pure and unmixed with any thing but it Pelf, yet it is manifold in degrees , kitades and adminikrations , There are ferrets of wifdome ; when you have learned one ferret there . are more to be learned. As there is not only a ferret, but ferrets, many ferrets of iniquity lie in the heart ofman; we may go front one room of the heart unto another (as the Prophet £z,ekiel was carried from one place to another about the houle of the Lend, Chap. 8.) to fee greater and greater abominations. Thus you may gó from ferret to fecret , from one ferret of wifdom to another, and when you have feen both, there are yet greater ferrets to be Peen betides titofe which (hall never be Peen. Some works of wifdom are unfearcha6le, and pail finding out ; they are alfo in- numerable and pall reckoning up. Some things are called fe= crets , becaufe theycan hardly be known ; other things are called ferrets, becaufe they cannot at all be known. A third fort are fo ferret, that it is our fin to attempt yea to delire to know them. All the ferrets of wifdom are in God , yet fome belong unto use; and they are called ferrets, not becaufe they are not at all re.. vealed , but becaufe they areobfcurely revealed. Some ferrets in God belong to God alone. And they are called ferrets becaufe they arenot at all revealed. That's the meaning of iWofes Deut. 29. 2q.. Secret thingsbelong unto the Lardour God , but things re- vealedats, andour children for ever. Thirdly , The fpecial ferrets ofwifdom here fpoken of being feated in providence, Obferve The works ofGodare full of fecret wifdem. As there are myfleries in the Word, fo in the works ofGods There are mylteries in the work of redemption, the whole G -Gofpel