Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

48 Chap. rr. AnExpofition upon the ,Book,of JOB, Verf.6, take in by little and little. We are veffels ofa fmall and narrow gage, when we have taken in all we can, we have taken in but little. God gives us more then we receive, and he hath more then hebathgiven. As the fecrets of lin in man are double to thofe which appear , no man ever finned out all the finfullneffe of his heart. Though thoufands have brought forth abundance, though they have a.`ted many abominations,yet as Solomon fpeaks, There are (till(even abominationsin their bearts.Monfters andpro digies ofwickednes lie in thofe dens and dark chambers,which the world never law. Now as the ferrets of fin inman are double to thofe which appear : fo much more are the fecrets ofwifdome in God. The great God of heaven and earth ha:h a flock, a flare ofwifdom byhim, which no creature ever law or looked into, or is indeed capable of. No man, but the Man-GhriOath known fo much as is pofhble to known of God,and molt ofGod is impof- fible to be known by man. We Ihould be alhamed, that we know no more of what is revealed. And we .ihould adore what is not revealed to our knowledge. The wifdome ofGod is divided in- to fecret and revealed; mans portion is in things revealed ; Gods portion is in fecret things,; God bath referved a farre greater portion for himfeif then he hath givenunto man ; that which will ferve man will not ferve the ford, his portion is as much a- bove mans as himfeif is above man. This Zophar layes before job, that he might convince and humble him. Why dolt thou ca vil or fret thy fell thorow with impatience at what God doth, Peeing thou canftnot found the reafon ofwhat he doth ? thou haft not fathomedGod thou haft not reported all that God is, or bath , The fecrets ofwifflome aredouble to that which is.' His next words are an inference upon , or the ufe ofthis do- urine. Know therefore that God exoa loth ofthee leffe then thine iniquity deferveth. Thus he applies what he had fpoken in general]. God bath fe- rrets ofwifdome, and they are double , What then? I'infer this upon it , Know therefore (O Job) that god exaEleth of thee leffe then thine iniquity deferveth. Obferve from Zophars method, That truths are to be appliedandbrought home to the confcience of the hearer, or tv the bufineffe under 'debate. l3offibly-