Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

z Chap. i i ë .An "E'a;pofition upon the Book, of J O B. Verf. r©.v Who can hinder him r The Hebrew is who can turn him away from his purpofe ? who can flop him ? The Lord bath no peer, no fuperiour, noneto check his counfels , or flay their executions ; when he hath de- termined to do a thing , none can fay , it Ihall not bedone , or it lhall bedone another way : his power is fupream , and he can do what he pleafeth without giving an account to any. The fumme ofall is, that God may deflroy, fpoil, overthrow, burn,confume if he will ; he may do what he will with men and kingdoms , and no man muff open his month againfl him t or if any do , it is in vain, er at their ownperil. Thus he'anfwers706, who complain- ed in his afflií ions,that the Lord had cut him off', and(hut him up, that the. Lord hadgathered together armies ot. Chaldeans and Sa. beans todeflroy him. - Though he do (faith Zophar) yet know . the wifdbmofGod is'unfearchable , higher than heaven , deeper thinhell , if he will take thefe courfes with thee , who can hin- der him ? why doff thou complain as if' God. had done thee wrong ? when as he hath right to do what he will,and he can will nothiig but what is right. HenceObferve Ertl, e.9fl the ,changes and troubles, thegoodand evil in the world is from God. If he cut off, if he En up , if he gather together ; he (peaks as if there were no hand of the creature moving- in any of thefe things, but that.God himfelfhad done all : Come (faith David, Pfa1.46. 8 :) behold the works of the Lord, what defolations he bath made in theearth. See how the Lord bath made the earth defolate ; fee how he drives the nations, and fcatters the inhabitants of the world. We have a great inffance in this kingdom Behold the works of the Lord,fee what defolations he hath made in the North, what in the"Weft 9 fee+ihow many houfes are burnt, howmany Towns impoveriflied , how many families utterly ruined ; ! Come ,'beholdwhat defolations the Lord bath made. Come alfo and behold what habitations , what reformations he makes in the earth where you fee thefe done know it is God that hath done them, a5=the Pfalmift adds in the next words Hemaketh wars to ceafe unto the ends ofthe-earth, he breaketh thebótw, and-cutteth the fpear infonder, he burneth the chariot in thefire. Our eyes are ufu wily much upon fecond caufes, and little upon the firf6 ; this makes us