Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

Chap.i5.,_ An Expofition upon the Boo.of J O B. near allied,.and fo great a Friend to profperity , that one werd may well fervelboth. Thewicked Mans defiroyer thall be tohim like joabto.Abmer, and maJa,(tiedding theblood., ofWar in Peace , and putting that blood upon the Girdle a. bout his loyns, &c. i,Kings 2 5. But Come may demand, HowBoth this fuite with the for., rner verfe ? Where. Eliphaz told us;, that fi wicked tnaia tra- vels inpain all his gays': How is he inprofpeeity, tf,he travels all his days in pain ? an.fwçr , The denomination is given from the greatefl part of a wicked mans life, and that is trou- ble and pain ? Or fecondly, if an infiance can be given of a- ny wicked man, that bath had more good days thanevil , . or that bath had no ill days atall , in regard of aoy outward troubleandpain, then we may reconcile t he.Tcxt thus., his'Efiamphficc1 profperity is betide his fiate, yea, in his very.,profperity: he is intio mots° re- pain : In the midit of laughter his heart Ñforrowfeel, and the end jufdatn impio. l' ofhis mirth is heavinefs L Prov. 14 13. ) His bu?a teeming feJitron- not a real profperity. ttngat impturn Further , thefe words are an aggravation of his mifery , be". nihi1 timer° caufe if at any time he appears,and free from fear, fedfcure agerr than fudden defirut` ion overtakes him. gist inopi. Or lafily, The defiroyer may be laid tocome upon him in natooppriae- profperity, becaufe in his belt days he fears the defiroyer : he tur. i'tnca. futpeEts danger, whenhe fees none ; and is therefore never out Et cumpa ft of danger.Who this detiroyer is, is left here at,laxge .; no par- iUe injsdtns titular one is fpecified, but any terrible one is intended ; Eli- fufpitotu+° phaz doth not fay, ADefi.royer, but .7he Deffroyer. One both Omngtaetiam powerful and skilful to,deffroy (hall come upon hint. He (hail ruta krona not onely come to him, but come upon him ; to come upon, is f5' impii ti- to invade,c o affault ,: A friend eennes to a man with kind- 'Then'. Mcrcp neffe and etnbrace,, to vifrt or falute him ,. anenemy comes up- on aman withbipws,_and violence to wound and defiroy him Inprofperity the defiroyerJhali comeupon him. Hence 9bferve When trickedmen think, themfelver mollf e, they are near, eft to deftrnt1ion. 'Tis feldem that ..they .think themfelves fafe, and when they do, they arefurthctt,from fafety. When the wickedfpring as the graft, and when all the workers of ini- quity dofleurifh, , it it that they find/ be deftroyed for ever,Pfal. Verf.zi. rot 9z.7.. .:.