Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

xo2 ""Chap. lin Expofition tapott the Hook, of J OS. . . ... Y . . . .. . . . . . Vert., 2'2. p2:'.)Their temporal, fhort fpring, is not only an antece- dent, but an argument of their eternal winter. And their winter is not the going downof the lap to the root , but the, pullingof them upby the roots ; they [hall bedef{royed: (Job 2,0. 22.) In thefulnefs of hisfufficiencie he Pall be in !traits : When it is full Sea with him, his Channel (hall be dried up. It was laid to that Fool (Luke 12.20,;) This night shy foulfhallbetaken from thee: The deltroyercameupon him, indeed in his profperity, when he fang himfelf afleep, with fouishon haft goods laid upfor manyyears , he could not keep his Soul one night. (r 7hefï 5.,3. ) When they Jhallfaypeace fafety,thenfuddendeltrullion cometh upon thetn,as travel up- on a:woman with childe, and theyfhall not afcape : Thegeneral dettrudion of- wicked men in the day of judgment, (hall comeas a thief in thenight. We have a reprefentationof this, in that woful Tragedy which the Lord ac`,ted upon the Egyp. tians ( Ezodr"2. 30.) At midnight there was agrievous cry f he came upon them as a chief in the night ) for the Lordfmote all thefirJt tornof the land of Egypt ; they died in their warm beds, in xprofperity thedettroyer carne upon them. This is enough, yet not the worff of the condition ofwicked men For, Verl22. He believes not that he 'hall return out of dark nefs, he is waited for of the Sword. This is a' further account of the inward mifery, or pain which afics the fpirit of a wicked man. Hebelieves not that hefhall.return outof:çarknef , He looketh not that he(hallefcape from diikitefs o Malter Broughton. There are five interpretations about this darknefs, out of which the wicked man bél eves'he (hall not return. P:ijpeje ar Full, Some underftand it of the darknefs offin ; buta wick- cd man cannot be laid to defpair of that about' which he 1ìe=, vet had any hope,ter delire: Secìndly, Someunderftand darknefs literally, and `plaid,_ ly ofthe darknefs ofthe night, and interpret thus, He believes not