Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

t t8 Chap. i8 4n Expofition Upon the Bookof J OB. Verf. 17 any man, but. molt towicked men ; when they look their name _ here, they have loft it every where ; They have no name inhea- ven ; there they are men ofno name, ifthey loofe their name on earth too, then they are men ofno name indeed. a Godly man (hould have no name on earth, yet he.hath a name written where it (hall never be blotted out ; his name is writ- ten in -heaven. Chrift would haveus rejoyce in this more then in all worldly names, (Lu& o.z,3.) when his Difciples re- joyced becaufe they had power over evil! fpirits, and could cure all difeafes, fo that their name was up in the world, and 't gas talked of in all places, what mighty things they had don, and Chrift denied not that it was an honour tobe impowr'd for the doingofthofe great things, Tee (faith he )rejoyce not in this, but rather rejoyce that yournames are written inheaven. Now 1 fay, as the Saints (honld rejoyce in this honour,that their names are written in heaven, above all their rejoycings in an earthly name ; and (hould not onély out-joy worldly joyes, but even joy themout with the joy they have in God. So, though the Saints have no name,upon earth, though their name be written in the duff, yea though an evil! favour be fcat- teredupon their name, yet theyhave cauf' to rejoyce that their names are written in heaven, that their names are enrolled a- mong Saints &Angels, among Patriarks & Apoftles : that their names are fixed where the names ofthegreaten Potentates in the world (who know not God )fhall have no place. 'Fis then a fpecial evill to wicked men to loofe theirname in this world, becaufe when they have loft that, theyhave loft all. And when they have loft it here, they can finde it nowhere. And we may take notice, that whereas the ambitionofcarnal! men layes it felfè forth in nothing more then to provide for the perpetua- ting of their names in the world, that yet they loofe their de- liigne, their names being blotted out, and their memoriall loft in the world. The naturals hifforian obfrve;ofthofefamous cum 5`rdptorer P yramides which were letup in egypt; that though theworke j Furimi de rrt was ftu endious and admirable, and is remembred by many tnolbus P e y y infanis rnulra ancient Writers ; yet ('faith he ) it lothnot appeare amongall prodiderurt,ip thole Writers who were the founders of thole Pyramides. ter °"" tame' Upon which he gives this obfervation, That by a juft judge- iuo'ton c5nffat a fa£fa ment their names who railed thole amazin g or rather mad b:u ftrufters,