Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap l $. Rn Expofstion xpon theBook of JO B. Verf t 9. t23 But we may rather interpret it of the feel, or children ofChriî his name is continued by foils :lie bath arrrghty feed, and, i-te ;ea'I fee hiefeed, ( 1fa. 53. 1 o. ) In the first ages of the world, either not tohave a fun, or-to Lave a foil dye before the father, was an unheard of affliet ion. One of the ancients hath obferve:l, that there is not in theGe- before the fioud, nor in fome generations after, Oc:u in 1.01,0,1 mention of any father, whore Iondyed before himfelfe. not narmrß (cie- as all had formes, fo their fonncs our li red their fathers ; God bluer pritnufe- gi:ving that as a fpeciall comfort to thofe ages. The firít Con ea` nt aetu r that dyed before his father,is recorded ( Gen. r r. 27,28. J Nov filMno er do- tihefe are the Generation.,. ofTerah, Terah begat Abraham, lltach,r uecin Jr:ppl and Liaran, and Haran begat L t : and Hára o dyedbeforehúfa- tvn ldelalaroie Cher ?crab, in the land ofhis nati vitie. It feemes to benoted as a bate pp rertrn s ftrange thing never heard of, nor mentioned in the BookofGol brahut pf ¡owl beene, that the fon thould dye before the father. And,faith my roG) jwi,ehrr Author, it is to be confidered, that this Terah, whole fon Ha- vi,s. Epiph, ran dyed before him, was not onely a worth'pper ofIdolls, lib: T. coma but ( as it is conceived) an inventer of idolls ; This was the Her thrrj ar;i- onely m..n upon records whole Ions death prevented his in Tex /t & 4, thof elder times. And in all times it bathbeen numbered a- td: -mongthe afliiftions incident to frnfall man, when -any fon dyes 'before the father, much -more when.the father bath no fon re- maining when he dyes, Fpiphanittt in his Writings againa herefesreports that fome .ui:farn refwr- held no refurretion, but the riling up of the fathers in reflionvnaliatn their children ; when the father dyes, the-childe riles in his non edmittebant place; this was their refürreftion. - though this were a grolhe i jbintu, rligkra. 'herefre, yet there is a truth. in it the-father rifeth in-his childe ; frs bUtU in parents have a kinde `f refurre$ionin their children, and ipju¡rlikparete- while they live parents can fcarfly be fad to bedead ; upon t,o mortui. this account the greatncffe ofthe af.c ion rifeth yet higher, he E004111 that hath neither Tonne nor nephew remaining in his dwellings when he dyes, may' be accountedmore then dead. This is the third evil] that Bildad fe s ,downe asthe port :o i of the wicked man, who, as he shall be drivel out of the world himfelfe; fo his pofleritieltrall be'blcíeted out. He proceeds to thew us what .elfedd this, with the fore men- tioned judgements, fhould have upoi the fpiritsof t'..e livirg, z wtat