Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Clap. ì8. efln expo ition apes the Book, of J o is. v'erf. '3. ther, honour no man fo much, be not (laves to the opinions of others. As among the Papifts, Fryers are to their luperiours, or fathers ; to queftion whofe commands is a high prefumpti- on -, to aske a reafon, curiofity, to difobey, breach of vow : Their words mull Eland for a Law, their opinions for Oracles ; thùs Call no man father. Now as we mutt take heed of that ex- treant, not to call men fathers, as ifwe were to live upon their au- thority : So take heed (on theother fide) of [lighting men; of accounting tnen Beafts, of undervaluing them, and trampling them under feet, both are equally to be avoyded; give every man his due; neitherhave the perlons of men (as 7asde fpeaks, verf. 16. ) in admiration, by reafonofadvantage ; neither have the perfon of any man in contempt, that may be, both to your owne, and to' his difadvantager wherefore are we accounted as Beat s before thee ? eAnd reputed vile inyour fight. The word which weTranflate vile, path a double fignificati- A rod on, according to a two-fold root whence it may be derived. oGtura:u,, ccna Some derive it from a root which fï gnifieth to /hut up, to dole, ctu,úr, abfcon to hide, to obfcure a thing. And hence fome ofthe ancientRab- ditus fuit. bins, as alto late Hebricians, render this part of theverle, not R. Mores, & why are we reputed vile in yourfight ? but, why are we Phut up R. David. inyour fight ? The meaning is, why are we reputed as menwhole form, ln,catit underitandings are locked up, and whole minds are doled ; as if vertri, : dicitur a cover were put upon them ; oras ifwe were hood-winckt ? So. atern mete it fuites well with the former claufe; why are we accounted as pre ternbabel b'eaf$s ? and, why are r. e reputedas men whole underfandings ctaufam ne poi.- are(hut up ? They whole underflandings are either Phut up, or jr dare res rn departed from them, may without any great difparagement be tueri. Humbled amongLeaits. This allo anfaers what ?ob fpake ofhis friends ( Chap. i7. 4. ) This haft hid their hearts from under- fl-ar<diog, therefore (halt thou not exalt their. There is a [late, or fort of men, whole hearts are locked up, and hid. The Apoitle affirmes it of the ?ewes in general], `when Moles it read, to this day there it a vaile before their eyes. That ise -upon their hearts,their hearts are [hut up.And fo (Thrift (Mat.13. 15.) defcribes themfrom the Prophet Isaiah; This peoples heart is waxen gref'e, and their eures dull ofhearing,und their eyes (That the C