Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v7

94 `Chap..22. An EYpofttion upon the Book! of Jo B. Verfa Secondly, Judiciary, or inflieted (ifa. 6. y,) (foe and tellthis srup dai e, pia- people, heat-eye indeed, bat under,!land not : andfeeye indeed, but no tali to s fcete- perceive not. Make the heart of this people fat,and »rake theirearl ra honor taa- heavy, andPhut theireyes. What were thefe eyes and Bares that turn calamita:n were co bemade heavy and Phut ? Surely,they are to be under - aiufma; r ü- ndantinm dj flood, not ofOrgan:call, but oftntellec4uall Bares and eyes But obruenriamera- who was to (hut thefeeyes ? A holyProphet. And haw was he fan eft vides. to Phut them ? By prophecying or fpeaking to them in the Name ter`° of the Lord. The proper worke of the Word is to open the ryes, and enlighten the mind. But when a people have longPhut their own eyes againtl, or onlydal lyed with { that tranfcenden t mercy) the light, thenGod ( which is the fevcrelt judgement ) (huts their eyes, and darkens them with light. Of this Judiciary darknefs, tome interpret the prefent Text; as ifElipha.e had Paid; there is a worke plague upon thee, then all thole fpoken of, even blindnefs and confufion ofminde, fo that thou canti neyther fee what brought thee into them, nor how to find thyway out, but art as a man underwater, or in the darke, amazed in thefe thy afili Lions, not knowing what to dot, or which way to turn thy felfe. Secondly, Darknefs taken improperly is External!, fo a flareof (orrow and affli ion, isa Rareof darkneff-. As before pares, fohere darknefs, notes any troublefome condition, or the trouble ofany mans condition. And when to darkneffe, this is added, D.trknefs,that thou canff notfee, it may import the great&degree ofdarknefs, even darknefs in perfection, or as the Scripture (peaks, thick darknefs, yea, outer darknefs. There is a darknefs in which we may fee, a darknefs which bath fome kinde of light in ir, but wi en darknefs is fo thicke that we can, not fee, that is, that we cannot fee any thing in it, (as we corn- monly fay ofextreame darknefs, 'ris fo darke, that a man can- not fee his hand) then 'tis perfect darknefs. Light is not (properly) feene, but 'cis the medium ór rneanes by whichwe fee; much leffe is darknes feene, it being properly that which interceptsand hinders fight; yet 'cis rare to meete with darks- nef a which path not forme mixture or tinetures of light, or with frach darkneffeas in whichnothing at'all can be feene: yet fuch was this metaphorical) darkneffe, with which he (up- poled lob was muffled up. I have more then once in other paffages