Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v7

Chap. 22. An Expo f it ien upon the Book -of JOB. Verl. r 2. JC9 here. (ter. 23. 23, 24.) 4m /aGod at hand,faith the Lord, and sot afarre off?Can any hide himfelfe fn fecret places, that IJhall sot fee him, faith the Lsrd?do nit 1 fill heavenand earth, faith the Lord ? All thole expoltulating quettions, are refolved into this one pofition. God is every where ; And though force read the fitft, not as a CZIltftion, but as an Affertion, Thus ; 1 am a CjA at hand, and not a godafarre of, yet the fence is the fame ; God thereinafi ming, that he is ever neereus,' and never afarre off from us,wherefoever we are. Though God be in thofe places which are turtheft off from us, as well as in thofe that are neereat hand, yet God himfelfe is never afarre offfrom us, but alwayes at hand. When Solomon had let up the Temple (t King. 8. 27.) He was lure of the pretence ofGod in it;and- therefore did not (peak doubtingly , but admiringly, when he asked, But, will Go }1ëieed dwell on earth? (that is, will Gott manifeft himfelfe glór iy on the earth ì) the heaven, andheaven of heavens cannot contain thee,hommuch lefre thlo bottle that I have builded ? Solomon knew that heaver) could not con tain, that is, limit God, much Ie& could the houle which he had builded. Yet the Lord made the Temple another heaven tohimfelfe, it was as his fecond heaven, there the Lord had a, kindeof glorious refdence beyond what he had in any other part of the world; Now the Affemblyes and Congregationscf the Saints are in a fpeciall manner the dwelling place of God,. and his fecond heaven , He dwells fo much in the Churches that he feems not to dwell at all in any part of the world betide (2 Cor6.16,17.)1 will dwell in them, and walkin them. Wherefore come outfrom among them, and beye feperatefaith the Lord, andtouebnot theuncicanethin', andIwill receiveyou.Go(1 who is in all the world, dwels onely in and with his peop'e.. They who feparate from whatloever is nnhol",_have him, neereft them who is altogether Holy. Toconclude this poynt, we may make Weof that dtftin&ion of the Schooles to cieare thedifference how a corporal! fubttance. and a fpirituall , a alto how a fpirituall created and untreated fubftarce, may be laid to be in a place. All bodyes are in place circatmfcriptive- ly, fpirituall f:ubtiances created, Angels and fóules of men are in place definitively We cannot draw a line about an An-- geGt, as about the body_of a man, yet the Angel is fo in his places,