Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v7

ra; a: r !li ,. úo y.. B 34 Chap, 22. As expofition upon the Took of J o B. Vecf.14, {mall things, if it be not a trouble, yet it cannot but be a (litho. noun to, and too great a condefcention for the great God. Km vvac .e&i- The Heathens Paid their yupirer had no leafure to deale in zrle retie, Frc, final! matters ; And may not we Chriftians fay, Is it not hono- rable enough for our God, to have to doe with final) mat- ters. I anfwer ; This alibis to frame a God like our felves ; as k doth not weary God to behold, to try and ponder all the wayes of all men ( which U. as the fear concerning (..Mofes that he ilrould be tired out with the various cafes and affairesofthat great people; and was therefore advised by to make more Judges, that fo the weightier matters onely might be brought before and judged byhim) So it is no difhonour at ail to God, no, it is his honour that he takes cognifance of the fmalleft matters as well as ofthe greateft, of the loweft as well as of the higheft concernments of the children of men. (q'fal. I i3. 5, 6.) Who it like unto the Lord our god, who dwelletb on high ? who bumbleth himfelfe tobehold the things which are in Heaven, and in the Earth. Who is like to God in this ? this is the honour of the high God that he will humble himfelfe to behold the loweft things, the things which are in the Earth, as well as things in Heaven, and the Wirer, the Waft things in Earth, as well as the greaterorthe greateft. Though the Lord he higbyet he bumblethkimflfe unto the lowly (Ptah. 138. 6. ) and as to lowlyperfins, fo to the loweft things. Indeed the Lord doth humble himfelfe to behold the things which are in Heaven, it is a Condefcention in him to take notice of any Creature ; yet hedoth not only humble himfelfe to behold things in Hea- ven, but things in the Earth, and in this who is like unto the Lord cur God ? this is his glory and for this he is to be glorified, yea to be cryed up with this admiring Eogium, Who is like unto theLordour god ? none among the funs of men are like him in this, yea there is no God like unto the Lord our God in this. We have caufe ro fay ( confide! ing our vile- nefïe) what is man that thou fhouldf take notice ofhim ? 'Tis too Great an honour for man, but it is no difbonour to God to take noticeofthemeaneft man. The greatneffe ofGod appears as in the making, fo in the governing and difpofing of the fmallef things. The power of God is fetne in making a fly or