Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v7

Chap. z.a. expo]átioa upon the Took of .I o $. Ved. 9 81 thewiddow ; and for this reafon they promife helps to thofe' who are in mifery, that they may make them more miferable, in Read ofhelping them, Thou haft feat widows away empty. Thais lob was fuppofed to have dealt withwidows. See next howEliphazchargeth him forhis dealings with the fatherleffe. af'ad the arsesofthe fatherleffe have been broken. Thefe two defolatenames arealwayes found alone, but often as one inScripture ; the widow who is disjoyrid f om her fur. band, and the fatherleffe, who are bereavedof their parents, are commonly joyned together. And thefe two names are taken in Scripture, either f#ri&ly,ormore largely ; Rridly to fignifie on ly fuch perfons as have either loft their husbands or parents; Largely, and fo the widow and fatherlef ,fignifie any that are in diRref e or need our charity:Becaufethe widow & the fatherleffe Rand often inneed ofcharity, therefore thefe names in Scripture, fignifie any that need our charity.While the Prophet faith ( Hof 14.. 3.) With thee thefatberlefe findeth mercy ; We are not to Rraighten his fenfe only toorphans,but to any that are in difilet's; he that is a father may be called farherlefs,and the child that hath a father may be called fatherlefs, when extreamly needing the help either ofGod or man. And fo the word wawa mutt be wn- derftood (Rev. i 8.7. ) where Rabylen boatteth, Ifit ao a ,c9 item, and am no widdon, ; that is,I am neither friendleffe nor helpicf c ; or as the next words Teem to expound it, I ßi211 fee no forr.. w which is dually the widows portion.Thus in the Text by the ro,'d- ¿ w and thefarherles,we mutt underttand not only thofe who are formally fo,but all in afriit`tion, who are equivalentlyfo. The armesof thefatherleffe have been broken. i?r4n ¡rid 7iomi- rz ,ro gaart;elMy h., l''- mans in taa:ta4rn°` 0r:97 ï d:t)inæ expofta. ad uxor. e. S Per vi:íuam ï pupiilam ornr.e genus m;rerrot,+a b9r771aurrz (!gnv tt,:atur. Yacd. In the former part of the verfa, he faith ; Thou haft fent the wirì.on away empty; charging the finne perfonally upon lob ; here he only faith ; The armes like eke fatherlcff e havebeen bra/Zen ; As if he did not place the fault direâly upon him ; yet Tome tranllate it Co ; Thouhaft broken the armet ofthe fatherleffe; e; snaking it robs ad However our rendring layes fault enough Di upon