Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v8

24 Chap. .27. An Expofition upon 'be Book of J Il govivir in Conteortijeis. . Verf,x=; Hence Obferve ; All things are with and beforeGod. They are alwayes in his Councels, he bath an idea of what is paf+, and of what is to come ; thingspal+, or tocorneare as much withGod as that which isprefent. A skilful! artificer in any kind bath his work with him at all times ; it is .with him not only when he is at work, but when he is not at work ; His skill is with him, his Art is with him, andhe carryes the formeof all inhis phancy whitherfoever he goeth or wherefoever he is. Now if a mortal! man that is experienced in any Art,hath the fhape of all things which concerne it before him ; muchmore bath the Infi- nite only wife All-knowing God the idea ofall adminiarations beforehim, whether good or bad. Secondly, obferve; There is a fecret inall theworks ofGod. As there is fomewhat outwardlyand vifibly a6}ed, of which we may fay,it is with man, fo there is fomewhac inward and intend- ed, which is with the Almighty. There is apurpofe,an end,a de- tiigne in the heart of God, for which he doth any thing with his hand. Thirdly , Obferve we fhould labour to anderfiand the purple andmind ofGod inevery thingwhich be Both either toour [elves and others. Everyone fees the external part of a work, whether a work of riiercy, or of Judgment, but few underhand the inkde and fcope, of ir. They feel their ownfmart, or their owncomfort, but that which is. withGod, what he meaner by ir, or what the iffwesof it may be, they mind nor. Few have learned, and therefore fewwin fay with lobhere, That which ie with theabnighty I will not Conceale, "I will not hide, not wrap it up in a napkin, I will nor vailc it á1lon eelobo,i.e, over in thence ;; and when he faith (1willnot Conceale) he in- omniben modis tends more than he fpeakes, even thus much, I will openlyde- potefaciom. clare it to the:utmofk of my power, ability,and opportunity, I wild Meiofit. even proclaime that which is with God, #Iencc