Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v8

aft Chap. 27. An Expoftion ìspeti the Bork, of J o ii. Verf.i;; . ---- than the bigheft raga rdetb, and there be higher than they. It is a tnarvail that any fhould opprefle thole that are already preffed with poverty, and that they whohave power to do juflice, fhould ufe their power only,or at all,to do injufiice. Due feeing the mu righteous heart ofa Judge is alwayes oppofite co righteoufnefs in judgment, marvail not at thematter, or, as we put in the'Mar- gin, at thewill andparpofe of fuch opprefiors ; fuchdo but accord- ing to their kind. And there is one higher than the highefi, more mighty than the migheft of them, who in filence andpatience takes notice of the wrong, and will Let all right at lafl. Oopreffors are high and keep all under them, none cau Band before them; yet there is one above, infinitely above them ; as they have enlar- gedtheir inheritances, by oppref(ing others with their might, fo they (hall receive the heritage due to them from the Al. mighty. Hence Obferve ; Firfl, God bath aflore, aportion by him for all forts ofmen. He hath a flore ftir the good, and a (lore for the bad ; a flore for the humble, and aflore for the proud ; a flore for the holy , and a flore for the prophase. God bath his Bores by him, and wich him : with him is the fountain of life, withhim alío is the fountain of death ; life flows naturally from him, and death Ju- dicially God path a treafury of wrath by him, and he hath a treafuryof mercy.There is mercy with thee,thou thouovayf6befew.. ra ,faith the Pfalmia; much more is there wrath withGod for thofe that fear him not. This is the portion of a wicked man With God, Secondly, Note ; The ooely portion, or all the portion of a wicked or mill man is Evil. The portion of a firmer is forrow, and nothing but forrow: This is the portion ; this,and none other ; tlts,and no portionbe- - fide ; this is all that he (hall have, and he (hall not avoyd or put bythe having of this. For, Thirdly; He faith, Which hefhallreceivefrom the Almighty. Obferve; The.