Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v8

ado Chap. 27. An Expe¡etion upan the Book of J o Verf.17. thatIt good before god. He cloth not mean that the finnrewill give it CO him that is good before God ; for as the (inner givet6 little, it any thing of what he bath gotten, fo hegiveth lead of all, indeca nothing at all with his good will, or intentionally, to him that is goodbetore God ;but the meaning of the Preacher is,ìhat God by Ms providence difpofeth the fanners riches into fuck hands, as will dif{ribute them to him that is godbefore God. He doth not fay tohim that is good beforeor in the cfieem of men, bat co him that is good before God; that is, to the truly godly.; asJob here defcribes the right heires of the oppreftor, `The juft and the innocent. Hence Note; Pirft, Awicked want labonrt are often inherited by the righteene. He labours for himfelfe,and his,no manmore,no man fo much, but neither himfelfe nor his reape the benefit of his labours .Thus Z avid fpeakes (Pfal.49. i ó. ) be (hall leave bis riches toothers; it is true of all when they dye, ( for no man cancarry his riches with himour of theworld ) they leave their riches to others; but it is true in a further fence of many,they (hall leave their riches to others ; men whom they never put in their will, (hall (hare their eve when they dye. ( Pfal. 39.7.) Surely every man walketb ina vain (hollow ;heheapeth up riches, and kneweth not whofbal3 father them. He labours and gathers for one or more whom he knowes, for wife and children, yet he knowes not whether they (hall ever enjoy what he bath gathered. TheLord by Mofestells us what he did with the eftates of the Idolatrous uncircumcifed Nations, ( Pfal. ION. 44. ) He gave them ( that is, the Jewes) the lands of the heathen: and they inherited the labour of thepeople. Thelands and labours of thole wicke.I rations were not for them- reins, but for themwho were good before Go I. Secondly, Note; It ie a forejudgment not to enjoy thefru4 ofour own labours, When a man (hall heap up (elver;, and another divide it ; when he (hall gather rayment, and another pur it on, this is a curing judgment.It isPaid of the floathfull man,tbar he rodfirnot whatba stoke inbunting(Pro. t 2. e7.)Indeed the tloathfull man will not take thepaines to hunt for it ; if he have any roafl mcat,itmuff be of