Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v8

Chap. 27. An Expoftion neon the Book of J o E. Verf.. a 8. a63 OB, Chap. 27. Vert 18, 19, 20, He buildethhis houfe as a moth, andas a booth that the keeper maketh. `the rich man(ball lye dotvn,but be(hall not be gathe- red,be openeth his eyes, andhe is not. Terrors takehold onhim as waters, a tempeftflealeth him away in the night. proceedeth in a further Exemplicating of the miferies fat JOB ling upon and oppreffing the wicked man. His great riches in heaps of money and wardrobes of aparrel being exhaufted, waft.. cd and gone, his houle followes and goes too. Judgment paf feth from his moveables tohis immoveables, and they anprove but moveables. Vpon whatfamily foever the wrath ofGodabideth, nothing can long abide. Verle 18. He bnildeth his hoofs as a Moth. tUy] pre The moth is a little inconfiderable creature, yet a harmful w toapt® creature, and therefore it bath its name futable to its nature ;and heut dome i- work, from biting or fretting. ne.Tinesani This fimilitude of a moth is two wayes applyed by Interpre- maiulu a tor'' ters. denlo etcorroa dettdo nomeni Fid+, to Phew the 66411 and injurious wayes , by which the babet. wicked mans builds his houle. Themoth dcfaccth and fpoyl :th the fairefi garment to make it felfe a houle or lodging. Where- foever the moth dwells,it is to the colt and detriment ofothers. Hence Note ; Wickedand men care not whom they dammageor wrong ; fo they may hoefe andhelp themfelves. They build their own houles with the mine of their neigh= bouts. They eat their brethren ( as we fay ) out of hou fe and homc,out of trade and eflare, that theymay increalc their own. The Prophet defcribes fuch moths, anddenounceth a woe again(> them ( Ifa. ç. 8. ) who jayn houfe to boufe (by thrufting othersout of their houfes ) that lay field tofield ( taking away their neigh- Y a bouts