Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v8

a 2 64 Chap.27: fin Expofition upon the Book of J o s. Verf. t £, bouts fields) till there be no place( for any honeft man ro live by them,that they may be placed alone, as Lords and prop:iera:ies, all others being but their fervants, tenants, or underlings) in the midlè of the earth: Thus another Prophet expounds it ( Mc.e. 2.) They covetfields, and take them by violence ; and hog/es, and take them they opprefe a man and his boufe,even a manand his heritage. To buy fields or to build houles is not unlawful' ; but to invade fields, and to build houfes for cur felves bypulling down other mens houles, or by putting them out of their houles, this is to build like a moth. Secondly, This fimilitude ofa moth isapplyed to let forth the uncertainty and fhort continuance of the wicked mans houfe.The moth makes himfelfe a bode or Heft in force goodly aarmenr, as if is were tobe his manfion for ever ; and yet the moth is loon dilpofleffed either of there two wayes. corrodendo e. Firft, As the moth by eating and fretting the garment, makes chficat,carro. his dwelling, fo he conlumes it and fpoyles his own habitation. deede diruir.. Whence Note ; yy'hile wieled men make themfelves houfes by wronging others, . they indeed ruine them and bring them to nought. As he is a moth to other tens houles, Co alto to his own'; yea God himfelfe will be as a moth ( that is a fecret and filent conlumption) to his houle, as he th earned (7-fof. 5, c a. There: forewill I be unto Ephraim as a moth, and to the honre of oedah a, rottennelfe ; I will make them rot and moulder away infenfbly, 3`o untohim thatbuildeth his houfe byunrighteowrnefs, & his cham- bers by wrong ; that faith, Iwill buildme a wide hoatfe , and large Chambers, and ctetteth him out windows, and it is ceiledwith Ce- dar, and painted with vermill;on; (halt thou reigne becaof thost clo- lef thyfelfe withCedar? The interrogation denies firongly, Thou {halt not reigne,thou (halt not continue long in thy houle which -thou haft built ( like a moth) by unrìghteoufnelstthy cedar (hail be moth-eaten, and thy vermillion difcoloured as with wormes. Sin hath railed many houfes, and it will ruine all that it hath railed. Secondly, If the moth doth not fpoyle his houle by fretting the garment, yet when thegarment is takenup tobe ayred and brufhtathe moth is prefently brufht off or cat to pee Hence