Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v8

a62 Chap. s7. An Expofìtion upon tho Boot¿ of Jos Verf.a9. fail, When the rich man goeth to bed,ro take his refl,he fees his houfe and goods fafe, all is well about him,but whenhe awaketh in the morning, or through force terror of the nighr,he finds all isgone and himfelfe left helplefs, friendlefs. As Naomy laid, (Ruth1.2 z .) I went out full, and the Lord bath brought me home againe empty. So the rich man may fay fometimes, I lay down, I went to bed full, my houfe and goods being .untoucht andquiet, but I arofe empty, my riches having made themfelvcs wings like Eagles, are fled away. For theclearing ofthis fence, it is to be confidered,that the Original text maybe rendred either,He,of a ?MIR eollegit perfon, or It of a thing ; fo it is not taken,and it is net,that is, his eongregavtt, wealth,a little before was not takenaway, yet by and by,it isnot. Per me reme- All is gone,and he is f+ripc of alt inanightHis riches are flolne by rt theeves,or confumed by fire before the morning. Further, for the making out of this cranflation,we milli take notice,that the fame Hebrew word fignifies both to add , or gather , as alfo re- move or take away, becaufe that which is added or gathered to one, is commonly taken away fromanother. From this expofiti. on of the words Note; There is no affurance in anyearthly inheritance. As the life,fo the worldly eflate of man(efpecially ofa wicked man) (lands upon termes of greatefl uncertainty. The rich man ( Lacke a 2.19.) told his foul that he had goods laid up for many years ; but God toldhim hehad not life enough laid up for one night ; Thou foole,thts night thy foul fhall be required ofthee. And as that rich fooles foul laf+ed not in his body one night, fo the riches ofmany fuch fooles laf+ notone night in theirhands or hou- fes, God fends out his writ of feque(Iration, and faith to him, Thisnight (hall thy goods, thy gold and filver, thy lands and re- venewes be required of thee. It is 60 tomake little reckoning of that,as to cileem,ofwhich we cannot tritelymake any long reckoning as to continuance. Secondly, Others interpret there words, not of a fudden furprizal of his riches by force unexpe6ted yea unfufpeóed judg- ment when he lyeth down to ref+ ; but of his fall into poverty in general!. He (hall lye down ;that is, he (hall fall or come down from his hight of riches and greatnefs, and shall become fopoore char