Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v8

38 Chap. 27. An Exxpofction upon the Book\of Jos. Vetf.3; ed myJoule ; But what was fobs oath or whether did it tend ? the two next verles (hewus, Fitft,the continuance of this oath upon him r fecondly,the concernmentof it,or about what he tooke this folemne oath. The former we have in the third verfe, the latter in the fourth. Verf. 3. All the while my breath is in me, and thefpirit of god id in my notrills, ( v..}. )My lips fhall notfpeake mac- kednefe, nor my tongue utter deceit. Job takes his oath, not for a day or a ycare, but for his life, all the while my breath is inme,that is,as long as I live. While breath continues, life continues. It is Paid ( Gen. 2. 7.) The Lord brea- thed into man the breath of life. The hebrew word for breath hach an affinity with that by which the heavens are expreffed in the fama language ; implying (fay foram) that the breathof man came from heaven, or was of God; The breath of man was not created with man,in the formingof the body, asit was with the beafts ; but after the body was formed Clod infufed the breath, and there- fore tYtlofes in that text fpeakes diflinály concerning man; Firf3, The LordGod formed man out ofthe daftof the earth,&(then)brea- thed into his noflrills thebreathof life, and man became a living fouls. So then, Tohave breath in us,. is CO have life in us, or it is a circumlocution oflife;and as footle as breath departs life departs, we dye. it is raid ( i Icings 17. i7.) That the Son of the Wo- man, theMifcreffe of the houle, fell fick, and his fickneffe was fo fore that there was no breath left inhim,that is,hedyed.Whcn Ea- tychus falling from the third loft was taken up dead, Paul went krone and fell on him, and imbraeing him Paid, trouble not your (elves for his life is in him. The Greek is, His foule is in him. They whoCooke him up concludedhim dead, becaufe he did not breath, knowing that when breath goes, life goestoo; But Paul fercht him againe by prayer,and his breath returned. When?aul embraced hirm,breath re-entred im; And therefore he faith be- remptorily his life is in him, either becaufeit wasthen returned, or becaufe he knew it would ; according to the ufual language of faith he fpa ke of ir, as of a thing already done. Sence and reafon Paid, he was dead,becaufe his b,.eathwas gone ; but faith faid his life was inhim, knowing that God was able tobring the breath hack againe. Mans life amounts cnly to this, He bathhis breath in 4.1n ad verb= ovine adhuc, ni tempore quo adhwc halitus anus, &c. tïOüll fpiri- tu,e,1C oreegre- diens, halitus, anhelirus, fla- tus, anima. Affine e,gverbo Until uelum efl enim flatus ccelitusprofrei/t lens.