Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v8

gq Chap. 27, An Expofition Ryon the Book of Jos. Verf. s, of worth. Integrity is plaine and Pimple, yet the bell; ornament and decking( next Chrifi) of the whole man. Solomon in all his outward glory wasnot arrayed like one of there lillyes. We are never Jo fineas when we are plaine. To be plaine, Pmple, tohave a fpirit without tricks and turnings, without knots and riddles, is better and more honourable, than the highefl tides of honour. Integrity is our perfeaionunder the Covenant of Grace,and fsm- plicity zs our greatefi exctllency. f is the fundamental! excellency of God himfelfe, and to it is of his people. Thatwhich is trudy Pimple is truely perfe& ip its kinde, and therefore the fame word lignifies both liimpie , and perfe& ; this isthe Glory of Grace, and the Grace of Glory . How Glorious are we when this pre- cious flux of integrity , this, fpirituall Thummim fixed in our hearts, fparkleth in all our wayes. Thirdly, Obferve ; AGodly man is ,acquainted with bis atone integrity. He knows he bath this Jewell about him, though others fee it not, hedoth ; poflibly a godlyman may fometimes fufpe& him- felfe to be a hypocrite, ( for as there are Tome hypocrites, who think themfelves tobe fincere, all are not groffe, or felfe con- demned hypocrites, fo it ispoflìble for fomc who arc fincere to judg themfelves hypocrites ) yet take a Godly man out of the clouds and darkneffe oftemptation, or defertion, and then ashe is what beappeares to others, fo he appears to himfelfe as he is, fincere and full of integrity. Fourthly, Obferve ; A godly man prizeth his integrityhighly. What a man will not remove and part with, Purely he reckon( as his bell. That which is worthleffe, filthy, or uncleane,as dung, we take away as dung,till it be allgone ( as cis laid ) i Kings. 14. zo. ) take it who will; but our creatures, our jewells, we will not part with. The reafon why acarnali man will not remove hisIni- qui y from him, is becaufe he values it and lookes upon keither as his pleafure, or as his profit. This makes him hold it fa(}, as theProphet complaines(Jer,8. g.) They hold fafl deceit. We fay proverbially, and we fay it truly, Plaint dealing is a Jewell; brat withTome, Deceit or falfe dealing is a Jewell, and therefore they hold