Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v8

56 Chap. 27. An Expofstion upon the Book of J o B. Veli.6. nal text bath it ) men of name, is a very great vanity, but topro- tea and preferve cur good name, is a great and neceffary duty. yob thought it fo neceffary, that he was not fatisficd.withaffirm- ing this once, but doubles the fameaffirmation, though in other words. Verle 6: Myrigbteoufneffe I hold fall, Iwill not let itgoe,my heart (hall not reproach me fo long as live. This verle is filled with the [pink of the former ; lob here alto íhewing the fleadfafinefs of his purpofe to infR uponhis innocen- cy,and keepe it dole, againfi all affaults of enemies, or fafpitions of friends. Though they pulled, yet he wouldbold fafi. try righteoufneffe I boldfafi. 7.= The Hebrew is, Vpox my righteoufnefe f hold lrongly, or,! ràill nryirSïi fortifie and flrengthen my righteoufneffe. The righteoufneffe of a in juflitiamea man may be confidered twowayes ; either in reference to juRifi- tenai,velaufli cation, or fao4ification ; and this righteoufneffeof fan6ification rim :maw for- may beconfidered two wayes : firfl, as it is the righteoufneffe of rrficobo,l ere. mans perfon, or that principle of righteoufneffe implanted and inhxrent in him ; Secondly, as it is the righteoufneffe of his a&i- ons,or that pral"tice of righteoufneffe which is held out byhim. That which lob intends here by righteoufneffe, is not the righte- oufneffe of jullification, but the righteoufneffe of fan&ification, and not fo much the rightcoufneffe of his perfon, as of his anions or caufe in this engagement with hisfriends. My righteoufnefe I bold fall. A believer cloth not hold fail his righteoufneffe inrefe- renceto juRification, there he letceth it goe,he will have nothing to do with ir, he will not owne it. Paul while a Pharifee held fart his own rightecufneffe for JuRification, but being converted, Chrií taught himbetter Divinity( Phil. 3. 6, 7, lf, q. ) Touch- ing the rigbteou fne fewhich is in the Law Iwas blamelejfe. But what things weregaine to me, (that is, what I then counted gaine as to my acceptation with God) thofe Icounted loffe for Cbrifi ; that is, I let them goe, and they were as loft to me, that I might take fall holdof Chril,and bure my Idle, or, lay the whole weight of my JuRification, upon him alone, ashe expounds himfelfe in the next verfe ; Tea doubtlefe, and I count all things but dung a'ddroffef'r theexcellency ofthe (-krill lefgs my Lord ; r whores I