Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v8

Chap. 27. An Expofition upon the Book of J o B. Verf.$,u79 Sciences, andbe able to fpeake with the tongueof men and An- gels,both toGod in praying, and tomen in difcourfing andprea- ching, yet wIIat is his hope , WhenGod taketb awaybis foule ? There aretwo readings of this laf+chufe. Pirf+, Some derive the word, which we tranflate, taketb away, 1.7iiij `ttm from aroote,vvhich fignifies to be quiet, and to ref+. Chrifi is cal- iranquillnss led Shiloh from this roote, ( gen. 49. to. ) TheScepter !hall not efe,quiefcore. depart from Judab, nor a lawgiver from between bisfeet, untill 5tYequi%era Shiloh come ; that is, till Chrif+ come, who giveth true ref+, foule- feeerit dour e. ref+,eternall ref+ to hispeople. And then the text is rendred thus; "amain ejur. What is the hopeof the hypocrite, though be bathgained, and God caufetb hi s foule to ref'', or to be quiet, andfit atcafe in the ufe and enjoyment of bisgaine. This puts the heft of the hypocrites cafe; fuppofe that he bath gained much ; fuppofe alfo that God gives him aquiet pofletlion of his gaine, which is not the lot of many. Some get much, but their fouls never ref+, they are tumbled up and downe with ref+leffe turmoiles in theworld, they get much trouble themfelves, by what themfelves have gotten. Thus So- lomondefcribes the conditionof worldly gainers,(Eccl.z.22,23.) What bath a man ofall bis labour, and ofthe vexation ofbis heart, whereinbe bath laboured under the Sunne ? for all his dryesare for- rower( that is, he bath forrow all his dryes ) yea his bears taketb not ref' in the night. And againe, ( Chap. 5.12. ) The abundance of the rich will notPufferhim to flcepe. Ufually the things of the world, either rea not withus, or nuke us ref+-leffe ; yet it mutt be granted that force mengaine, and that greatly , and God cau- feth their fouls to ref+,they are at cafe in their poffeffions. Now though this be the hypocrites prefent cafe, that after he bath gained, Godgiveth his foul to ref+. As the rich man advifed his foul ( Luke: 12. s g.) Thou haft much goods laidup for many yeares, take thine cafe, eate,drinke, andbe merry. Suppofe all this, and let the hypocrites foul take cafe, lye downe and tumblein his greatneffe, honour, and riches, let him rock himfelf afleepe in carnal delights anddelicacies, yet what is the hope of the hypo- crite, when he bath not only gained riches, but gained ( which is better than riches) ref+ ? Though rea begood, yet thehypocrites tell is notgood ; His is a ref+ in fin, as well as in riches,and that is not