Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v9

u6 Cha`, 3Ci. An E:xpofition upon the Rook of Jo a. Verf. t4, As an Army at the breachofa wall, or as theSea at abreach ofthe banks, or as wild beafts at the breachof the hedge, fó e- vills come in upon us thick and threefold, when once God is de- parted from us. It is the Lords power that fenceth and keeps all fafe. In the firft Chapter of this Book , we read lob had a hedge about him,and fuch a hedge as the Devil could not breake through, to touch a pin of his fLeve, or to placke a leafe from his tree; He was fo fortified that he could not take hurt; but when the Lord had broken downe his hedge, or madea gap in it, The beafts of prey, Cbaldeans and Sabeans quickly entred, and made an utter devaftation. When our Lord Chrift was ex. ercifed in fulfillinghis miniftry and mediatorfhip here on earth;. the Jewes were madd at it, theywould have deftroyed him at the entranceof his worke, but they couldnot ; they were bloo- dily minded, and bloodily refolved againft him, and fometimes they attemptedhis deftruâion, but could not effe& it ; none of their plots tooke ; why ? Chrif#s time was not come, that is, the time that Godwould deliver him up into their hands : Till that time came, Chrift was wall'd about, hewas kept fate ; but atTaft God broke the hedge, took away his protet`kion then the Son ofman was betrayed into the hand of finners, and then Chrift fail to his enemies, This isycur honre, andthe power of darknes, ( Luke zz. g3.) that is, now youmay doe what you will with me, oryou may have your will of me ; 713ìs is your beure ; the timewhereinyou arepermitted ro exercife your rage and utnioft wrath againft me ; and nowthePrince ofdarknes bath power by you his inftruments toput meout ofthe world,who am the light of the world. Thus I lye open as a City without walls or gates, you may come and fpoyle me as you pleafe; It is ofÿed that our fence is raaintained,and carwall not broken downe,to lee in dangers, and death it felfe. Morediftint%ly obferve from hence ; They comae upon wee as the breaking in ofwaters. Hence obferve; wicked men all violently. How violently Both anArmy affault the breach ? how violent- ly doe the waters rufh in when the banke is overrhrowne ? As grace makes men ad violently, fo doth corruption. Chrift faith, ( Math.