Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v9

Chap. 3o. An expeßtion upon the Book of Jò E. Vert. 17. r63 Afffi&ion Both not onlyfirike but fticke and take hold by or- der fromGod It cannot touch us without commiffion and when commiflion'd it will take hold, faft hold ofus and will not let us goe. Ir is Paid Concerning the Heathenifh Idolatrous Princes and people of chafe lands which the Children of grad were topoffeffe ; The peoplefbaf beare, and be afraid : Prows /hail take boldof the Inbabitanss of Paleflina, (Exod. r 5. r 4.) The report ofwhat Godhad done againft the Egyptians, made thofe remoter Nations tremble, and forrowCooke them priloners long before they were flaine by the fword. And what the Scripture fpeakes in that place of the wicked and uncírcumcifedNations ; The fame David faithof himfelfe(Tfal. 116, 3. ) Thefarrows ofdeathCompaffed mee about : and the paines of bell gat held upon met. Theoriginal! word ib,found mee, aswe put in the Margin ; they found bím, as an Officer orSergeant finds a perfon that he is Pent out to attach or arreft ; whono fooner finds him, but he takes holdof him, or (as we fay ) take, him into Cufody. And whenWarrants are fent out to take a man, who keeps our of the way, the returne is, 21Ln efi Inventus, the man is not found , he cannot bemet with or taken hold of. ` Davids paines quicçly found'him, and having found him they gat hold ofhim; filch finding is ftcertainly and luddainly followed with taking hold, and holding what is taken, that one word in the Hebrew ferves to expreffeboth a&s. WhenGod fends out troubles and affi&i- ons asOfficers toattach any man, they will find him ; and find- ing him, theywill take hold ofhim. The dayes ofaffiidion will take hold,There'sno ftriving,no firugling with them, nogetting out oftheir hands.Thefe divinePurfevants wil neither be perfwa- ded nor bribed to let you goe, till God fpeake the word,till God fay deliver him, releafe him : Till God fend his warrant to have ,thePriffondore opened,and the poore foule fet free fromMEd!. i on, he bath no reliefe, nohelpe for it. Afidion having thus taken holdoflob, he tells us in the next verfe, how hardly it ufedhim. Verf. r7. (My bones arepierced in the night+feafon : And m,)! "'":1, V g ba limeys take us riff. cat etiam Teti Theft words are a defcriptionofYobs bodily ficknes (accord- cuiufyram fuba in to theletter ofthetext filch is the malignityoftome vio - ;a °tram, $ ) g Y tiara rem tp Y z lentfam.