Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v9

72 Chap. 3o. An Expofition upon the Booke of ) o a. VerLB, 1 ;7Y1 *dal! tobe low, or vile; we fay, They were viler then theearth : Thefe "üúum pascal readings fay, they were banifhed,beaten,fmitten out ofthe c trth. Du1 a'1 The word in Scripture is ufed to let forth the worke of repen u i1i ßr3 tance, which confifts in .acontrite fpirit, ;n a'heart fl tten and affi Etau animo -beaten to duff, under a fence offin. So we read it (Ifa. 66. 2. ) t--7`ïéiis ii1 1 To this man will I looke, even to him (faith the Lord) that i9 cf aj}irt; pe"t contritefpirit. Now a contrite or fmitten fpirit is a fpirit vile in e. itsown eyes, though moft precious in the fight of God. And as first Yharo-Ne- + p e, Yha. this word is applyed by a metaphor to the breaking of the fpi- ro claudus. tit ; fo properly the breaking of the body in any of the limbes ere: or membersof it. Thus a lame man, is called a man fmitten or broken inhis feete. The Kings of Egypt were generally caed Pharoah, and we read of one of them (2 Kings 23.29. ) who fordiflin&ion, was called TharoahNecho, that is, Phareah The lame,or the Halter ;which additional) Title is made by the word in this Text. And as this word is ufed here in lob ccmpararively, to the earth, for the letting forth of his deriders ; So Davidufeth it alone to fet forth his (P /el. 35.) where having (hewed how compaflionate he was tohis enemies in their afi&ion ( V. 14. ) he prefently thews (v. t 5. ) how incompaffionate, or barbarouf. ly cruel rather, his enemies were tohim in his. But in mine ad- verfity they rej9yeed, and gathered them¡elver together, yea the ab- jeitsgathered themfelves together againfl me. Ablefts,are vile per; Ions, men fmitten in their elates and credits, yea often as flaves Congreeave, or ill fervants (mitten with cudgels, or whips; So a learned tran- rune fe Jurer flater renders the Pfalme ; The (mitten gathered againfi me ; that ene pertuffi. is, vile men who deferve and ufe to be beaten and cudgel'd. Mont. Thus here robs deriders were defcended of broken and beaten men, they were men (as forme fpeake) of broken fortunes and t=1 :1 font beaten for their ill manners out of the earth. This reache:h our Lemines, aßí= tranflation fully : for what are they who are braten and driven Etí , percuffi out of the earth ? They are mof:ly a vile generation, men viler fl s ever(i vileses, Merc. then the earth, which all men tread upon. The godly are often banithed and beaten out of the earth, for that which is their true Worth , but thefe were driven out of she earth, and banifhed for their unworthines. This tranflation heightens the fence, and layes the parentage ofYobs defpifers, as low as words can lay them. They were viler then the earth. lob having thus defcribed the perlons that derided him, pro. reeds