Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v9

`Chap. 30. An Pwpofition upon the Boole of J d a. Vert. io, very heart, while under his affil ing hand. The wicked blefre the Covetous, whom the Lord abborrs,(Pfal. so. z. ) and the Lord kiffeth the righteous,whomwicked men abhorre; and thenmolt, when they abhorre themmolt. See how croffe the judgement ofmen is to the Judgement ofGod ; they blare the Covetous, they thinke them to be very bleffedmen, though God abhorre them, and they abhorre thofe whomGod bleffech,that is,whom God delights in and rejoyceth over. Christ tells us ( Luke i 6. 15. ) That which is highly eleemed among men is an abomination in thefight ofGod. And whether we refped things or perlons, that which is abominated by men, is often highly efteemed by God. °dbs friends abhorr'd him, but the Lord loved him. They abhorre mee and fleefarce frommee. This followes neceffarily upon the former ; where there is an alienation ofaffection, there enfuesefirangemeat in converfati- on. Formerly all made addreffes to lobs Court, and were glad ifthey could but come nigh him, or get into the PretenceCham- ber ; but now they fleefront bim, yea they not only flee from him, but fleefarrefrom him, as if they thought they could nevee goe farre enough from him. And why all this ? He was now ficke and fore, poore anddeftitute, his worldly comforts were fled from him, and therefore thefe men fled from him too. Hence note ; When riches andhonors depart, carnallfriends and f rttereri will depart alto : or, When worldly things leave us, the men of the Worldwill leave ou. Solomon faith ( Pro.23. 5.) Riches male themfelves wings, and flee away as an Eagle toward heaven. And we often fee when riches are upon the wing, pretending friends will make them- 1. Ives wings and flee away alto. Few friends will abide by the poore and miferable; The peore is hated of his own neighbour, ( Pro. 14. zo.) And ag.ine (Pro. z9. 4.) Wealth ma&etk ma- ny friends ; but the paore isfeparatedfrom his neighbour ; That is, his neighbour feparates from him, or as this text fpeakes, fl,es farre fromhim. Poverty is indeed a line of reparation but it of- ten proves a wall offeparacion ; And as all rich men are far from A4 poverty,