Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v9

Chap. 30. Afn Fxpofition upon the Book of J o a. Verf.. a r. 87 anadvantage to let hole the-bridle upon me. So then, In thofe words lob affects two things of God , as the reafon, why that ba`e generation infulted over him. Pint , He bath loofed my cord: Secondly,, He bath aflctied me, and therefore they have let ¡safe the bridle stpax me ; or we may put both reafons into one ;God bath aff2fted me by letting ¡aoje mycard, and therefore they have let loofe the bridle upon me. Now becaufe God, is not mentioned at all in the former par -t ofthe Chapter, fornedueftion whether this ad of looting ?obi hoard, is to be referred untoGod or untoman ? moft Interpre- ters referre it toGod, fome to men ; in fpeciall to tlaofe men, his friends,who had held andmaintain'd that unkinde dilpute againft- him. According to this expofition, the relative He is taken di- fiributively ; becaufe be, that is, every oneof them,harh lacfed my cord, they, that is, diete rude wretches havelet Zoofe thebridle up- onme. SufI rather incline to the former opinion, and fo fhail: profecute the Text, as the Antecedent to he , is God, becaufe he, tsterdum vores that is, becaufe God bath loafed my cord, &c. and it is ufuall in atigua referum Scripture, (we have had feverall pafffges of like obfervatiort in fur non ad od this booke) to fpeake of God witlaout any expreffe mention, fq:tfxi;u only by that relative he ; becaufe when God is much concerned ant voce, fedad in a burlneffe, and bath been often fo expreffed, there's noneed "id quad quia a- to name him alwayes exprefely as o every particular paffag Hams ver;'a[ aut of it. And donbtleffe God was fo Much upon the heart of yob fenfu aliquo . in this matter, that he often intends him where hedoth not f't' Anguít ca name him. He bath. loofed. That is opened untrrifled, or tontyed my cord and fo all is fallen bofe. We may expound this word in allufion unto things bundl'd or tyed up, as when corne is bound into a fbeafe, or, as when wood is bound together (as our word is) into a fagots; If once the cord or theband which holds thefe together be loo fed, they prefently fall afundet'. He bath loofa my cord. But what is this cord ? There are foute Interpretations a- bout it. }irft, Some interpretit of the natural! band, or card ofthe body