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105 AN EXP.GSIllON OFTHE S -i; COND chapter ofthe Pronet:bs. CHAPTER 2. \'erfe r. MySorneg i f thou wilt receitie my words, and hide my Commanderiventi with thee. H E Spirit and Wifedoineof God ha- uing denounced moil fearcfull and vnauoydable iudgewents againU o - ffinate contemners, doth It aue them, and coinrneth now to teach and en- courage fuch as will be rraaable whom in this Chapter bee affificth, %r`t> partly y P by ,s, referibing thedu- ties which they arc to performe;and partly by promifes,a - faring them of the good f ïicceffe which they fhall not faile to finde. The Dirties are let downe generally in this fir Verle, and more particularly in the three nc t following. Thegeneral! dune is to giuedueentertainment to Gods holy Wages, fire, by recci3;i g has words, not oncly to lime themwhen they are gracio>.rfly tendered, but gladly and wil- lingly itnibrace themwith vnderf}anding,and be affcc ed and rnoued in heart with the power of them, as to dcfirc . and endcuour to obey them : and then, by .hiding his Corn. é'`3; an/demeet.',