Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

Supralapfariass charge' not God termed menpredefiinated or elelied. And on the contt'ary, by not preparing and not be- Rowing l effetuall or fpeciall graceupono- thers, they do wilfully andwillinglywork their owndamnation anddeftrudion : And thofe we call not-elerted,notpredeFinated, or (in the moll harlh term) reprobated. Thisdpìrine taketh away all boafling in tlaemfelves from thofewhich are faved;be- caufe it was Gods fpeciall grace mercifully and eternally prepared for them, and not their fpeciall goodnefle eternally forefeen, which caufed their falration.It taketh away alfoall pretenfe of murmuring againft God, or traducing him as unjuft and cruel. For no man is to becondemned upon this evidence, Becaufe he was a mannot-elected; Becaufe hewas a man untowhom fpeciall grace in the riches and height of Gods mercy was not afforded ; bur, Becaufe he is convie`ted tohavebeen finfull and wicked, andout of his own free-will partly to have refitted and repelled the good motions of the Spirit of grace which were vouchfafed him , and partly to have abufed thofe initiall gifts of fupernaturall grace which Godhad actually conferred uponhim. And as for Calvine, who both whileft he lived & lince his death bath been flandered to havebcn a defender of this pofition, De- u- maxirnawmuundi paTtem nudo purógue vo- lu;atatis