Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

withmens finnes. J35' maybe well queflioned in our own tempo- rall a&s, but in the eternall immanent ope- rations or decrees of God , which were eftabliihed before the foundations of the world were laid, it is improper to fay they were inevitable by us, and falfe to fay they were evitable. Take the judgement of a learned Jefuite ( no,favourer of the opinions of Galvine , Beza , or any Proteilant Di- vines) concerning the immutabilitie of the Divine volitions or decrees : Imperfethofo- Ruin,. zDe ret, f Deus in fsturum tempts refrvaret de- di ffrvola, n 16. cretum liberum. And again;'rurpe Deo effet §. z, 3. non ftatuere ab gterno 4'uicquid fa1urus eet vet non faClurus in tempore.. And for the immutabilitieofall fucheter- nail decrees; Si Dei volitio libera mutare- tur, fequeretur per mediatam illationem muta- tio Diving fubflantic. And finally, he fet- teth down this generali conclufiop; Inquo- Tibet inftanti temporis tam eft fmplieiter ne- ceffaria quælibet volitio Dei, etiamfi refpiciat creatur,aa in tempore futuroproducendas. The Remonftrants therefore mutt either denie that the decrees òfele&ing Peer and Not- eleting or Reprobating Judas are to be ac- counted eternall volitions ofGod, or con- fetfe that their debating of the Mutabilitie or Vitabilitie of all fuch decrees, proceed- eth from ignorance of the very nature of that about which they contend. I. 4 For