Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

-*jib hensfinnes: 47 rnpedirepeccatum, & decernit aliqua bona fa- cere, licet f iat illorum occafione committendí,, of peccatum. And he further granteth that e all the finnes of men in time to be jLid. committed,might be anddefacio were fore- feenby God, in decreto hoc pradefinienteper.- mi f ionem illorum. And 1aí1 of all he ad- deth, Dei vóluntate, confilio, decreto, definiti- ene fieri peccatorum aeliones, fiçnifrcat fcriptrfr ra. To which purpofe he bringeth-in the very fclffame places of Scripture which Calvine and our Proteftant Divines ufually alledge. By all which it appeareth how weakly and falfely , upon the infallibilitie of future actions decreed by God quoad ipfumeventum,the neceffitation ofmans free- will to the forenamed actions is collcaed. Auguíline who was a fliff maintainer of the abfolutedecree ofPredetlination and Preterition, and 'a fliffoppofer of the Semi pelagian Election and Non-eleiion found- ed upongood or bad aóionsofmen eternal ly forefeen by God , doth every-where fh:ake-off this Pelagian objection, That by fuch decrees mans free-will is necefitated, and all freedome extinguifhed. He bath not on,ely potentiam infe liberam, but liberum ufum potentize, who committeth his wicked aóions with deliberation and election, and can upon other deliberation refolve to do other%vife, or to fufpend fuck, K A wicked