Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

148 , Stipralapfarians charge not God wicked a1ions, and ceafe from them for a time. Which freedome is evident in adul- terers, thieves, and all manner of (inners, who being refolved to commit this or that finne, when they perceive force great dan- ger, prefently choofe toabflein from it till theyhave fitter opportunitie to commit it. As for thepredetermination ofmens wills, which this Authour harpeth upon, it is a controverfie between the Dominicanes and Jefuites : With whole Metaphyficall fpe- culations our Proteftant Divines love not to torture their brains. In brief we ac- knowledge no fuch predetermination flow-; ing from Godsabfolute decree, as either in good or bad aCtions taketh away the natu- rall dominion which free agents have over their own actions. And yet if this domini- on be conceived foabfolute as that it exclu- deth the dominion of God over mans will, we bold it an erroneous fanfie. d n r. God is our Counfeller either byhis word K or by his Spirit : by neither of thefe coun- felleth he any man to commit finne. Yea, but he inforceth wicked men, and by an almighty power which cannot be regal' caufeth the produólion of all their finnes. If the abfolute decree of eleóting force and not-elediing others make God inforce the non-eleded or reprobated unto any wickedneffe, we grant that it maketh God the