Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

ìthmensfinnes. the Authour of finne. But this is Petitio principii , a miferable begging of that whichwill never be granted, and which this Authour perpetually prefumeth to be a plainconfequent of abfolute negative Re- probation, but never dareth attempt the proving of it. Hiserrour fpringeth from ignorance of the different means and manner of the Di- vine operation in perfons mercifully or- dained unto eternall felicitie , and perfons not comprifed in this merciful' decree of Predeftination, but pafîed-by and left by their own defective and wicked alions to plunge themfelves into endleffe mifery. Perfons ordained unto eternall felicitie Rand in need ofthe infallible diref ion and effeétuall operation of the Almighty : O- therwife their own will is fuch a broken bow,as that by it they never attein the fcope whereunto God bath preordained them. God therefore taketh upon himfclf to be a powerful' worker and authour of all thole fupernaturall ads whereby they tend unto the kingdome of Glory. But the cafe is quiteotherwife with men nct- elected. De- fetive aáions cannot proceed from the o- perationof analmighty and holyGod: they are the produ&ions which deftrive caufes ofthemfelves freely bring forth,where they are not guided and abed by that fpcciall K 3 grace 449